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  • political season marked by the demonization of racial, religious, and ethnic minorities, this conference focuses on the quest for a just vision of life shared in community. Sponsored by the Department of Religion and Lutheran Studies program. MORE INFORMATION Ruth Anderson Public Debate: A Third-Party Vote is a Wasted Vote Oct. 4 | 7 p.m. | Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts The 4th annual Ruth Anderson Public Debate will feature PLU debaters Mariah Collier ‘17 and Charles “Tate” Adams

  • , but having this much fun can really get you college credit. Bø, Norway February 1, 20222nd Place Mallory Drye “An Outdoor Classroom in Meteora” To me this photo is significant due to all the individuals in the photo looking in a different direction, exploring and examining everything in sight differently while also experiencing it together. Learning about such a beautiful place and the religious significance in our religion class and then actually getting to step into it together was an experience

  • students of every religious belief and understanding to answer that question. By the grace of God, students and faculty from all faiths and from no faith are responding to that mission, drawn by the Spirit, just like the people that Solomon prayed would come to the temple. That’s a mission that is worthy of your respect and support. In Jesus’ name. Amen. jpr *Note: All comments are moderated Read Previous Campus Forums on Sexual Assault and Violence Read Next 133 AND COUNTING: The tragic shooting in

  • throughout the choir and other members traveling along.  We’ve ended the day by attending the final ceremonies in Marktoberdorf. Choir of the West wins the Noël Minet Prize for the best interpretation of a religious choral work in the competition – by composer and current honorary choir member, Daniel Knaggs (who has been traveling along with us since we’ve been in Germany), for his work “Of Time and Passing.” After the closing and final festivities we will call it a night and wrap up our tour, getting

  • religious faith, shaped by our Lutheran heritage and tradition, informed by enduring educational values, dedicated to good and humane purpose. Yes, we are called to the task of building a new generation of those who would, serve even as they will lead this global orb. May God bless all that we do in this new academic year for the calling we hold is both a remarkable gift and a sacred trust. I am so honored to walk this journey with you. Please accept my very best wishes for the year ahead! Read Previous