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TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 27, 2016)- Hosted by the Pacific Lutheran University Department of Holocaust and Genocide Studies and featuring Holocaust researchers and historians from all over the country, the ninth annual Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education will explore “Women and the Holocaust” Oct. 17-19 at…
than men, it’s just about considering what might have been different for women in these situations.” Griech-Polelle is quick to explain that the conference will not focus solely on women as victims in the Holocaust. “That would be doing the female population an injustice,” she said. Rather, the three-day forum will begin with a presentation on “Women as Perpetrators,” and go on to include a full spectrum of topics including “Sexual Violence against Jewish Women,” “Women as Rescuers and
TACOMA, WASH. (July 10, 2019) — Angie Hambrick, PLU’s Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Justice and Sustainability, sits down with anthropology professor and PLU Peace Corps Prep Program Coordinator Katherine Wiley, Hispanic studies professor Giovanna Urdangarain, and anthropology and global studies professor Dr. Ami Shah…
'20Marketing & CommunicationTACOMA, WASH. (July 10, 2019) — Angie Hambrick, PLU's Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Justice and Sustainability, sits down with anthropology professor and PLU Peace Corps Prep Program Coordinator Katherine Wiley, Hispanic studies professor Giovanna Urdangarain, and anthropology and global studies professor Dr. Ami Shah to discuss service abroad.This rich conversation covers a wide range of topics rooted in the importance of exercising care when serving abroad, especially
Close to 50,000 Jewish refugees fled to Argentina during the rise of Nazism and World War II. In fact, between 1933 and 1945, Argentina received more Jewish refugees per capita than any other nation in the world, except Palestine. But to most – outside of…
where she explored how curators decide which stories to tell. She thought of the work being done by Urdangarain and Kaufman and the relatively little known Holocaust museums in South America.Hispanic and Latino Studies @ PLUThe politics of migration in Spain, Spanglish and Latinx music, gender inclusive language in Argentina, indigenous struggles in Mexico—these are just a few of the exciting topics students explore in the PLU Hispanic and Latino Studies Program. Upon returning to PLU, Dieringer and
One of the most common questions that I receive as I am working with students that are considering PLU is “I had a 504 plan or an IEP in high school, what does that mean for me at PLU?” At PLU, we are able to…
student. All students that are registered with the Office of Accessibility and Accommodation resources are able to set up support meetings with me. These meetings cover a wide range of topics – I meet with a student and we build out a plan for their assignments for the next four weeks, sometimes I work with students to look at options at Outdoor Recreation or clubs, or there are times when students just want to come to my office and hang out with other students. I tell all of my students, “If you do
Theatre major Zivia Rich ’24 loves a good story. She is especially fond of them in the form of a radio show or podcast. Growing up, the Seattle-area native spent much of her time listening to KUOW, their local National Public Radio station. “We have…
. “So that style of radio is very close to my heart.” This fall, Rich is pairing their love of audio storytelling and theatre education to create an independent production of “The War of the Worlds.” Based on the H.G. Wells novel, the show’s themes include colonialism, superstitions and prejudices — topics Rich believes are still prevalent today. “I can’t speak to what H.G. Wells was thinking when he was writing it, but a lot of it is more inwardly reflective,” Rich said. “The Martians coming down
TACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 11, 2015)—Communication major Chris Boettcher ’17 is living out the deeply held commitment of Pacific Lutheran University to civic engagement — all while continuing his education. When Cathy Nguyen, Tacoma poet laureate, reached out to PLU looking for a videographer to tell…
homelessness was shaped by this project. Like the possibility of young people being homeless existed, but was never something I really saw or thought of as a major issue. Working on this project I learned that it is a very real thing and that the systems in place are helpful, but are hard to access and navigate. Why is it important that students get to do work like this? This type of work is important for students because it helps challenge student views on topics and challenges them to ask the big enough
By Damian Alessandro. Innovation . If you read the popular press, you’ll see that this word is constantly thrown around in professional settings. But what does it mean? For some, innovation is all about progression and disruption. One of the defining ideologies of our time,…
a new program, and I enjoyed taking my first classes in areas that also satisfied Gen Ed requirements, like Economics 101 and History of Technology. I love that the minor is only 20 credits, and also flexible and interdisciplinary. I truly believe that this minor gives students skills and connections that anyone could benefit from and I am excited to be part of it. I will be writing this blog to share my excitement and discoveries with you, covering “innovative” topics that are current at PLU
Four PLU women honored at annual banquet Described as mentors, role models and friends, women from the PLU community were honored for their accomplishments at the Women Center’s 12th annual Inspirational Women’s Banquet. “This is the biggest event highlighting women on campus,” said Bobbie Hughes,…
was commended her skills as a teacher and for encouraging students to “claim their education, instead of being passive learners who are given their education.” Suarez has a candid, upfront approach in the classroom, allowing her to guide students through taboo topics and increase their depth of understanding. As the manager of the Wellness Clinic, Kohler serves those who are underprivileged and provides educational experiences for nursing students. Her vision and management of the center are
Feminist theology and ethics explored An expert on feminist theology, feminist ethics and theological anthropology will deliver the 2008 David and Marilyn Knutson and Department of Religion Lecture at Pacific Lutheran University. Susan Ross will speak on “Seeking Light and Beauty: Women, Justice and Sacramentally”…
and justice,” Ross said. “While as a Catholic, I will draw on the Catholic tradition, this lecture has pushed me to consider how the Lutheran tradition also has a wonderful tradition of beauty, particularly in its music but also in Luther’s ‘earthiness,’” she said. Ross has published numerous books, articles, chapters, and book reviews regarding theology, particularly on topics that include women and the Eucharist, embodiment, feminist theology and feminist ethics. She is the author of “For the
Passing the torch They may have started with inquiry and then put their words to paper and even presented their findings to anyone who would listen. But beyond their meticulous research, Raphael Lemkin Essay winner Emily Marks ’10 and second place recipient Adam Griffith ’09…
time, was captured. He was captured in Argentina and taken to Israel for trial without the consent or help of Argentina. Ultimately Griffith came to the conclusion that Lemkin would agree with the Israeli’s actions. Its deep examinations into a tough topics like genocide that is making the Holocaust Studies program at PLU better and better every year, said Robert P. Ericksen ’67, Professor of Holocaust Studies. “We have lots of good entries every year and I think they are getting better,” he said
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