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  • TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 8, 2015)—The story I want to share with you is silent. No words were exchanged. It is one of those cases in which words fail to express the extent of human despair. Thank God, it is also a case in which words…

    is inconsecutive, but it drives away the numbness. The person ahead of me asks the clerk to add the ice-cream cones to his bill. He pays, grabs his bags and leaves the grocery store, shaking his head in disbelief. The kids are sitting under a pine tree in the park across the street enjoying their ice cream. For this fleeting moment, they look happy. The despair of reality will sting again once the ice cream is eaten. Europe currently enjoys the longest stretch of peace in its history. The Middle

  • Special Education Major Gavin Knapp ’23 Discovers the Beauty of Returning to His Childhood School District Posted by: shortea / April 13, 2023 Image: Image: Gavin Knapp ’23 (PLU photo/Sy Bean) April 13, 2023 By Grant Hoskins '23PLU Marketing & Communications Student Writer Gavin Knapp ’23 reflects on Fife Public Schools with a new lens, now student teaching with one of his former educators. Gavin Knapp discovered his vocation for special education in an unusual way – volunteering with unified

  • social threats. Cook says these motives, such as establishing social ties, gaining status, self-protection, and finding and retaining mates, were essential for human survival throughout evolutionary history and still drive social behavior today. For Cook, the award feels like a significant milestone marking the next step in his research career. “The Fulbright is a very prestigious award, and to be a recipient constitutes recognition of leadership and expertise in my field of research,” he said. “As a

  • TACOMA, WASH. (October 28, 2015)-Pacific Lutheran University is on the cutting edge of the U.S. government’s financial aid process. The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrator (NASFAA) was looking to recommend changes in how students submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)…

    information about their aid and helps them make an informed decision about college affordability.” With PPY, families can apply for FAFSA when they apply for schools; they’ll receive their financial aid offers earlier; and the offers will be more accurate allow families to plan better in case there’s new information or chances in the family situation. Soltis worked with NASFAA and the U.S. Department of Education on the PPY project and is currently helping to prepare colleges for the change. After the

  • October 15, 2012 Deirdre N. McCloskey – distinguished professor of economics, history, English, and communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago – spoke about the value of the middle-class during the annual Dale E. Benson Lecture in Business and Economic History. (Photo by John Struzenberg ’15) The value of the bourgeoisie By Katie Scaff ’13 Don’t be ashamed of being bourgeois, said Deirdre N. McCloskey, distinguished professor of economics, history, English, and communication at the

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 10, 2016)- Typically, summer allows college students to take advantage of free time that’s hard to come by during the academic year. But for many Lutes, summer is a time to work hard and continue their vocational endeavors. Students travel, work internships…

    internships and pursue professional development opportunities beyond PLU’s campus to continue their academic goals. The Lutes featured below represent three stories of the hard work done by PLU students and recent graduates this summer.Kendra Saathoff ’17 By Brooke Thames ’18 Since 2014, the Krise Endowed Internship Fund has provided students with opportunities to gain experience in career fields related to their studies. This year, the Krise Internship helped one student take her education from the

  • Where can a liberal arts degree in Music Composition lead you? In my case it has led to a life of travel, study, program development, tour-guiding, international relations and eventually a handshake with the President of China. Here’s the tale. TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 29, 2015)—The…

    office, where the Fuzhou delegation had mounted a major exhibition on the history of the 21-year relationship. The most exciting photos on display showed then-local Party Secretary Xi Jinping signing the founding document of this Sister City relationship back in 1994 and the document itself with his signature! When people ask, “Why did President Xi come to Tacoma?” it is delightful to reply that he had visited before—in 1993—and that he had helped found our Sister City relationship, and had remained

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 26, 2016)- Joel Zylstra said Pacific Lutheran University’s partnership with the nonprofit Habitat for Humanity began with a cup of coffee at 208 Garfield four years ago. Zylstra, director of Center for Community Engagement & Service (CCES), said his perception of Habitat…

    all low-income families that will be relocating to this area, so (after-school programming) is a great resource.” In partnership with Patricia Krise, wife of PLU President Thomas W. Krise, and PLU’s School of Education, CCES applied for a grant to help fund these long-term programs. Zylstra said CCES and Habitat still await a verdict on the grant, but both organizations should know soon whether the Commonhouse received funding. Beyond the Commonhouse, PLU partners with Habitat through education

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 3, 2017)- You know it’s a good class when even the professor goes home shouting: “You’re not going to believe what we learned today!” Joanna Gregson, professor of sociology, says she told her husband just that throughout her January Term course “Policing…

    explain what they were seeing. While Premo helped develop the course, he says he learned from the experience, too. “I just didn’t consider that many people don’t realize what the police do on a daily basis,” he said. “I hope this class has given the students some insights into what the police do and why it is so important in our society.” Read Previous DCHAT Podcast: PLU Dean of Natural Sciences Matt Smith answers alumni questions Read Next Black History Month at PLU COMMENTS*Note: All comments are

  • literature and history, says “I basically do all my research on the internet, the PLU library database list is my best friend right now.” Regardless of whether students currently reside on or off campus, they find a use for Mortvedt Library’s resources. But as useful as the library is, in the Humanities there’s also great merit to be found in the input of one’s peers. James notes that “interacting with other students is super useful.” Discussion and collaboration might seem harder to partake in during