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  • French & Francophone Studies Learning Outcomes French & Francophone Studies majors will be able to: Demonstrate French language proficiency at the Advanced-low proficiency level, as defined by ACTFL. Demonstrate understanding of diversity within French and Francophone cultures (in Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia) and of their products, practices, and perspectives. Develop an original hypothesis to analyze and evaluate texts (broadly understood) grounded in French language study, research

  • Learning Outcomes for the Gender, Sexuality and Race Studies MajorStudents who take Gender, Sexuality, and Race Studies courses at PLU will learn how to: Understand the social construction of gender, sexuality, and race. Analyze systems of privilege and oppression. Assess the intersectional relationship between knowledge production, identities, and power. Communicate and collaborate across differences. Practice community-engaged scholarship and coalition building. Engage in critical imagining

  • Global StudiesGlobal Studies majors will: Articulate the complexity of global issues and of solution

  • Learning Outcomes GLST Major Learning Outcomes Global Studies majors will: Articulate the complexity of global issues and of solutions to global problems. Apply the approaches and methods of multiple disciplines to analyze specific global issues. Effectively communicate in written and oral form the complexity of a global issue or a specific solution to a global problem using approaches and methods from multiple disciplines. Demonstrate knowledge of translinguistic and transcultural perspectives

  • Latino Studies Learning Objectives1) Through the analysis of a wide array of Latino cultural productions (literature, film, music, visual arts, socio-political studies), students will be introduced to Latino Studies as a field, its history from the Civil Rights era to the present, its spaces of engagement (community, academy, political, cultural), and main theoretical contributions. 2) Students will complicate their understanding of US history, geography, and dominant narratives about Latinos

  • . Use historical perspective as central to active citizenship. Learning Outcomes for Lower-Division CoursesThe History Department has structured all 100-200-level courses to create the following learning outcomes for students who complete them successfully. Students will: 1. Learn and practice the evaluation of historical evidence by identifying and explaining specific claims or ideas in primary and secondary sources. 2. Practice skills of oral expression and dialogue through interpreting and

  • History Learning OutcomesAll history majors must develop a breadth of historical knowledge that represents awareness of the diversity of world civilizations. This is now assessed through the requirement that students take at least one class in each of three geographic areas (non-west, European, and U.S.). Our new requirements are thematically structured and the revised outcome will address the importance of having students learn to compare and connect historical inquiries that reflect a range

  • A helpful way to explore the Innovation Studies minor and appreciate its strengths is to evaluate our learning outcomes. Upon completion of the Innovation Studies minor, students should be able to: Analyze: Identify and evaluate prominent examples of innovation in historic and contemporary contexts; Design: Summarize the essential stages of the design thinking process (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test); Make ethical decisions: Construct an ethical framework to evaluate and

  • 4. Learning and research within communityLutheran education is indelibly marked by a love of liberal and collegial learning. It was, in fact, a group of Wittenberg scholars – working together – who launched the reform of education, ethics, language study, marriage, music, social welfare, and theology – to mention only a few. Such reform began with the serious questioning of the status quo, a questioning which led the authorities of church and state to brand Luther as a heretic and a criminal

  • 1. Demonstrate Competence in Integrating the Disciplinary Foundations of Business a. Student can app