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  • PLU President Allan Belton is a morning person. He’s frequently among the first employees to arrive at the Hauge Administration Building, but not before his morning cup of joe. His favorite coffee stand is on South Tacoma Way, the seven-mile arterial that is the economic…

    College of Medicine announced plans to place medical students throughout Central Pierce County who will provide care to the community, have opportunities to live on the PLU campus and have access to PLU and MultiCare instructional and clinical facilities, including the recently renovated Rieke Science Center. “We are deeply committed to expanding medical education and health care access in communities across Washington,” said Dr. Jim Record, dean of the WSU College of Medicine. “Launching this new

  • Pacific Lutheran University Inaugural Address By President Thomas W. Krise Before we get started, I’d like to have a word with the brand new freshmen and transfer students. You are, after all, MY class.  We all become Lutes together today. I have proof that…

    success. We depend on you to be the best you can be so you and we can help solve the world’s problems. You are embarking on this educational adventure in a period in which many of the most influential institutions don’t last very long. Industries and technologies are changing rapidly. Companies and corporations come and go. Several of the biggest and most influential companies of today didn’t exist when most of you new students were born. In fact, we are all living through a period of revolutionary

  • A year of achievement and a Decade of Change Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is a great joy for me to welcome each of you to University Fall Conference as we prepare to launch the 2010-2011 academic year, the 121st year in the life of…

    environmental sustainability continues campus-wide, most notably last year with the adoption of the a Climate Action Plan that sets out a goal of the campus being carbon neutral by 2020 through conservation, new technologies and carbon offsets. Student Life The members of the Student Life Division and Vice President Laura Majovski play a key role in supporting the academic, the co curricular, and the campus living experience of every student. A key focus of their work, along with Dean of Student Academic

  • Originally Published 1996 Introduction Like other disciplines such as English and Sociology, Foreign Languages also have a history in the United States which is linked to the changing values of society as a whole. The discipline of foreign language teaching has evolved over the last…

    personalization of language study brought about by the emphasis on communication in recent years, a traditional instructional relationship still dominates. In the foreign language classroom, the teacher’s language competence, reinforced by the students’ relative linguistic incompetence, can lead to the teacher’s over-controlling the production of meaning. Teachers must actively resist this tendency. Feminist pedagogy can inform the practice of foreign language teaching by drawing on cooperation rather than