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A passion for learning is explored By Chris Albert The route to being an educator may vary, but a key ingredient is being passionate about being a life-long learner. It’s a sentiment the panel of current educators and PLU alumni shared with students during the…
learner,” said Brian Laubach ’84, ’95, ’02, director of Teaching and Learning for the Clover Park School District. “It becomes your life. It becomes the passion you have.”The panel represented a variety of experiences and was moderated by Steve Colgan, clinical assistant professor in the School of Education and Movement Studies. Along with Laubach, the panel consisted of Ronnie Gordan ’07, Jenna Dehoney ’07, Mary Davis ’11 and current Master of Arts in Education student, Ann Hansen. For most, the path
After applying as a cellist for the Broadway musical Spring Awakening , just for fun, Justin Huertas ’09 found himself on a national tour and is working on turning the experience into his own show. (Photo by Kristina R. Corbitt) Pursuing the Dream By Leah…
title of the project is Sprung, and we’re thinking it’s going to be a performance piece in which I tell stories from the road and from my life with Spring Awakening,” Huertas said. Huertas was also since cast in the Balagan Theatre’s production of Spring Awakening as a different character. “The character I played is Hanschen, one of the more confident and informed of the students,” Huertas said. “And because I’ve played upwards of 140 performances of this show on tour, Hanschen now plays cello in
TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 24, 2015)—Courtney Lee ’15 applied for an internship with the U.S. State Department four times. After missing the mark three times and not hearing back the fourth, Lee had all but forgotten about it and was already looking at other positions. Then…
working at a German wine company in Chengdu, locals asked her about U.S. policies and affairs. That, Lee said, opened her eyes to the way other countries perceive the United States. “United States policy influences our relationships with the Chinese and other cultures,” Lee said. “I felt like I had a responsibility to be informed and understand our policies. American policy in general is seen as economic, religious and militant.” In her four years at Pacific Lutheran University, Lee has studied away
After graduating from Emerald Ridge High School in Puyallup, Raphi Crenshaw ’24 enrolled at PLU with plans to major in biology . “I was going to become a dermatologist, but when I started taking the classes, well, I wasn’t a fan of it,” Crenshaw remembers.…
study criminal justice at PLU?PLU’s degree in criminal justice will prepare students to enter fields eager to welcome a new generation of practitioners, including law, policing, corrections, and victim services and advocacy. As a student of criminal justice at PLU, you will investigate theories of criminal offending, the functioning of the criminal justice system, and the experiences of crime victims. Our sociologically-informed criminal justice program emphasizes an understanding of the social and
A recent survey revealed an interesting stat: “76% of juniors consider the total cost when deciding where to apply. Colleges with a sticker price over $40,000 per year are eliminated early by about half of students.” At PLU, the sticker price is over $40,000,…
to make an informed decision. You got this! A version of this post was originally published by Melody Ferguson, Dean of Admission at PLU. Read Previous Unlocking Full-Ride and Full-Tuition Scholarships at PLU Read Next From an Expert: 10 Tips on How to Stand Out on Your Common App LATEST POSTS Get Involved: Austyn B. shares about being part of Clay Crows Improv Group February 27, 2025 Internship Q&A: Student Gavin Ripka’s experience at Tacoma Arts Live February 25, 2025 Communication Major at
By Leah Traxel ’14 Justin Huertas ’09 was ready to “break up” with acting and playing the cello to pursue a steadier paycheck, when fate stepped in. Huertas, who has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from PLU, had worked fairly steadily immediately after graduation.…
informed of the students,” Huertas said. “And because I’ve played upwards of 140 performances of this show on tour, Hanschen now plays cello in Seattle’s production.” Huertas said that the experience was a “fun challenge,” especially after playing the dual roles of cellist and actor as the Master of Ceremonies in PLU’s production of Cabaret under the direction of Jeff Clapp, associate professor of theatre, when he was a sophomore. Fellow alumni and best friend Kirsten deLohr Helland ’10 also played in
Spring is almost here. We just set our clocks forward an hour and throughout this semester students will have plenty of master classes to anticipate with an incredible variety of guest artists from disciplines. Keep reading to hear about the talented musicians, educators, and composers!…
have him work with our brass students in a virtual masterclass. Manu was one of the instructors I met during my sabbatical travels across Europe in the Fall of 2019 and I was absolutely blown away by his teaching and playing. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for our students to work (from 5000 miles away!) with one of Europe’s finest brass pedagogues!”Opportunities for students in the Wind Ensemble continue with master classes lead by Otis Murphy and Francine Peterson. Mrs. Peterson is
Before Kelly Hall ’16 and the rest of her Samish canoe family paddled their final strokes through the Hylebos Waterway, Hall did something no one in her tribe had done for many years. “I’m the first tribal member in decades to speak the language while…
the canoe journey camp at Chief Leschi School in Puyallup. This year’s host for the journey, which allows participating tribes to share and revitalize their native cultures, was the Puyallup Tribe of Indians. It’s the first time in 20 years the Puyallups have hosted the event, one that’s grown from few canoes to more than 100 this year, Hall said. “It’s medicine for people. Our tribal communities have experienced lots of trauma,” she said. “This event brings a lot of healing.” In potlatch
TACOMA, WASH. (March. 10, 2020) — Nicole Jordan ’15 is back on campus, this time using the degree she earned in social work to help educate and lead others in her new position as coordinator for PLU’s Center for Gender Equity. The center began as…
Spanish and English. What do you see as the most challenging part of your job? Vicarious trauma is real; while supporting people through crisis is a passion and skill of mine, it is important to maintain healthy boundaries and self-care. What do you like to do when you aren’t working? Outside of school, I like to do pottery. I am still quite the beginner, but I really enjoy taking classes. I go to karaoke every week with some friends and that’s always a good time to sing fun throwbacks. I also enjoy
Dear campus community, Pacific Lutheran University’s community is deeply rooted in care. It is in our mission to continue creating a campus environment that welcomes, values and protects the voices and vocations of our community members and recognizes the humanity in all of us —…
for many. First, the congressional hearings for the Supreme Court nomination surfaced memories of trauma for many sexual assault survivors. Now, the federal government’s potential move to narrowly define gender under Title IX will place an increased burden on transgender, non-binary and other LGBTQ community members. In the past week, the nation has experienced three hate-filled crimes that have left many reeling. On Wednesday, a man with a history of violence shot and killed two African Americans
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