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  • Mindfulness and Acceptance ExercisesJournal Prompt QuestionsDesigned to help you delve deeper into your personal and PLU experiences, use the following journal prompts by copying and pasting the content into a Word document or writing them into your own journal.Anxiety What is something that brings you hope? How do you foster spaces in your life where you can connect with and experience hope? How do you protect your experience of hope? Write about the last time you were completely present. A

  • professors who teach in the program use some variety of the Socratic Method in their courses. Consideration of the ethical implications of the particular themes or topics under discussion. An effort to include global perspectives in each class A commitment to engage with diverse voices Direct engagement with primary texts, rather than textbooks presenting summaries or simplifications. Creative assignments (i.e. the emphasis in our courses is not on tests or testing “acquired knowledge,” but rather how

  • implications that one road really can have,” Schrecengost explained. “I experienced the growth of one idea into a whole other thing.” Schrencengost added the experience gave her a new passion for research. It is another example of PLU’s continuing commitment to the creation of opportunities in which students and faculty can work closely together on research and creative projects. While at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., she was in awe of the huge building and the documents she was able to access

  • , and VP in five.’ That focus is great,” said Parsons. “But I always ask them, ‘Is that the thing you care about? Is that what would be totally awesome to do?’” At this stage of his life, starting his own business is what would be totally awesome. He started Fyreball, which became Meteor Solutions, a platform that allows e-marketers to measure and track Web-based creative campaigns through the single-most powerful (and least understood) marketing tool there is: word of mouth. Nobody has been able to

  • series of movies that were being developed out of the J.R.R. Tolkien trilogy. The rest is history. “The entire experience was fantastic,” said Perry of his time working with Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings creative team. Not only did he help the Ents attack the tower, but he helped the lighting team with Gollum, and he created some of the larger battle scenes. Perry is working for the next six months in Vancouver, B.C., on special computer generated effects on the next “Final Destination

  • . But take a closer look and the differences come to light. Rain barrels on each corner of the exterior collect water from the gutters to be repurposed elsewhere. The paint on the exterior of the house makes rainwater bead up, and when it drips off, it naturally washes dirt from the house. There are big plans for this PLU-owned property, called the “reDesign House.” The goal is to take this vacant single-family residence and turn it into a creative space where students, faculty and staff can work

  • project. “Our pairing up on the project was not an accident,” Dixon says. “My background is in mathematics and Inge’s is in marketing, so we could teach each other a lot. We both worked on everything, but on the data analysis side, when it got really quantitative, I’d show her what I was doing. Whereas, when it came to the marketing side and coming up with the creative ideas, she’d be showing me the ropes.” The MSMA’s focus on real-world experience is perhaps its most unique strength, Dixon says

  • with your values. When you lead with your values, and you figure out what’s most important and can create community and connection around that. It helps every step of the way, especially in stressful times.” Earn your Master of Business Administration at PLUPLU’s MBA program is founded on the cornerstones of leadership, creative innovation, global awareness and ethical responsibility.   Mark Mulder, Dean of the PLU School of Business, on his spring volunteer experience with Tulip Town: “It’s been

  • 1 – WINTER 2017 SENIOR EDITOR Kari Plog ’11 WRITERS Kari Plog ’11 Zach Powers ’10 Kevin Knodell ’11 Mark Albanese PHOTOGRAPHER John Froschauer VIDEOGRAPHER Rustin Dwyer HOMEPAGE ANIMATION Hans Fleurimont CONTRIBUTORS Andriana Fletcher ’10 Allison Rise ’12 Sonja Ruud ’12 Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 COURTESY PHOTOS Wang Center Charles Bergman Theodore Charles ’12 Dom Calata ’08 EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam

  • – WINTER 2019 CO-EDITORS Lace M. Smith Debbie Cafazzo WRITERS Debbie Cafazzo Thomas Kyle-Milward Lisa Patterson ’98 Kari Plog ’11 PHOTOGRAPHER John Froschauer VIDEOGRAPHER Joshua Weirsma ’18 Rustin Dwyer CONTRIBUTORS Outdoor Recreation Colton Walter ’19 Jalyn Turner ’22 EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara ’16 Chris Albert PROOFREADER Rebecca Young CLASS NOTES Kami Clairmont EDITORIAL OFFICES Neeb