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  • Bringing the Literary World to the Classroom“On December 1st our class had the lovely experience of Skyping with Daisy Hernández,” writes sophomore English/Writing and Classics major Hilary Vo, a student in my Fall 2015 Autobiographical Writing course. “Daisy brought light to her personal writing methods: her ‘emotional’ first drafts that she later revises as a ‘craft’ draft, where she thinks more about the reader. She reinforced the importance of reading your work out loud, something that I

  • May 7, 2013 Training with the Lute battalion By Katie Scaff ’13 Most college students don’t walk out of the classroom and directly into a leadership position. Most don’t have a job locked down more than a year before they graduate. And most don’t get the training needed to make those type of things happen for free. But Ray Velásquez isn’t like most college students. Velásquez is part of a small minority who will graduate and immediately rise the ranks and have a guaranteed job for the next

  • The Edison Awards: Innovations That Shape the World Posted by: halvormj / February 23, 2018 February 23, 2018 By Damian Alessandro ’19 It’s awards season! Not the Academy Awards–although we do host awards parties at Pacific Lutheran University. I’m writing about the annual awards for innovation that have everyone whispering excitedly in the discipline of Innovation Studies. That’s right–its the Edison Awards, which honor excellence in the development, marketing, and launch of new products and

  • Kate Monthy ’04 and Dmitry Mikheyev ’10 empower fellow artists at Spaceworks.

    enterprise. Today, Monthy and Mikheyev fill two of the program’s five staff positions. Spaceworks TacomaSpaceworks offers artists and creative entrepreneurs training and resources. It's a joint initiative of the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber and the City of Tacoma. Spaceworks has grown into a backbone of the Tacoma arts community in the past seven years. The organization has partnered with hundreds of do-it-yourself artists, small businesses and fledgling nonprofits, injecting the city’s creative class

  • someone’s culture,” he said. “They learn how to be comfortable with difference.” World Conversations gives students the opportunity to look more deeply into the programs they are interested in, and find out what one can gain from taking advantage of the programs. Rowe said taking advantage of the courses offered is incredibly important. “I thought the (Makah presentation) was one of the best student explanations of what they got out of the experience,” he said. “It really represented what study away is

  • comparing Ontario’s adoption disclosure laws with those of other English-speaking jurisdictions, including Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. That experience forced me out of my insular focus on the United States and channeled my research interests to international adoption, and in particular, a comparative history of adoption records in global perspective. Quickly, as an unintended result of my new research interest, I became a world traveler. In July 2006, I was

  • provide students with learning opportunities by working with clients, both on and off-campus. Rather than a geographic location, the center is an organized way of conceptualizing and approaching topics typically taught only in classroom settings. This fall, for instance, four different classes containing nearly 50 students studying graphic design, research methods, public relations/advertising and media studies, will work together on a series of real-world projects, all focused on one specific

  • Course Title ANTH 101 Introduction to Human Biological Diversity - NW BIOL 111 Biology and the Modern World - NW BIOL 116 Introductory Ecology - NW BIOL 201 Introductory Microbiology - NW BIOL 205 Human Anatomy and Physiology I - NW BIOL 206 Human Anatomy and Physiology II - NW BIOL 225 Molecules, Cells, and Organisms - NW BIOL 226 Genes, Evolution, Diversity, and Ecology - NW CHEM 103 Food Chemistry - NW CHEM 104 Environmental Chemistry - NW CHEM 115 General Chemistry I - NW CHEM 116 General

  • April 22, 2010 What will the world look like when China is calling the shots? By Barbara Clements Even by the most conservative estimates, China will overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy by 2027 and will climb to the position of world economic leader by 2050. Journalist Martin Jacques spoke on how the world will change with China as a dominant power Full repercussions of China’s rise-for itself and the rest of the globe-have been little explained or understood until

  • September 4, 2012 The inauguration of PLU President Thomas W. Krise took place Tuesday, Sept. 4 in Olson Auditorium. (Photo by John Froschauer) ‘The world needs more PLU’ By Chris Albert The beginning of PLU’s 123rd year marked a time of change and a celebration of a rich history of pursing lives of service and thoughtful inquiry. The Presidential Inauguration and Convocation welcomed the class of 2016 and the swearing in of PLU’s 13th president, Thomas W. Krise. “We become Lutes together today