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  • Saving the World with a Starship Mathematics professor Daniel Heath’s Starship Design class uses interstellar travel as a lens to focus on issues here on Earth. Posted by: Logan Seelye / November 3, 2022 November 3, 2022 By Anneli HaralsonResoLute Guest WriterOn day one of PLU Professor of Mathematics Daniel Heath’s Designing a Starship class, students have no idea what they have signed up for — and that’s exactly how Heath wants it.The course is part of PLU’s International Honors Program (IHON

  • April 7, 2014 Study Away Shots Taken ‘Round the World Shelby Hasse took first place in the Natural Landscapes & Seascapes category for this scenic shot taken near Akaroa, New Zealand. 2014 Wang Center Photo Contest winners on display beginning April 9 PLU Marketing & Communications During the 2013-14 academic year, 394 undergraduate students participated in global and local Study Away programs in destinations as far away as Antarctica and as near as the Tacoma Hilltop community.  As they travel

  • To catch Josh Wallace, you’ll have to call him — and he’ll probably be on the move when you do so. The busy MBA student is juggling school classes, his job as a marketing intern… and a starring role in The Fern Shakespeare Company’s “Othello,”…

    — such as auditions — but not accounting, marketing and management theories.  Many artists could learn more about marketing, he says: “As an actor, you need to know how to market yourself, especially in the digital age,” whether through Instagram or another form of social media.   He’s learning more about marketing in his MBA program. With teammates, Wallace delves into case studies and learns about marketing tools. For the year-end project, his group is crafting a real-world marketing plan for a

  • Sirine Fodstad spent nearly two decades traveling the world for work. But her story starts and ends in Norway, where she is a global human resources director for the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund.

    Sirine Fodstad ’97 Sirine Fodstad ’97 1024 427 Kari Plog '11 Kari Plog '11 January 8, 2018 February 6, 2018 Photos by John Froschauer, PLU Sirine Fodstad ’97 spent years traveling around the world for work. But her story starts and ends in Norway. Sitting in the lobby of Oslo’s renowned

  • PLU Digs into the Merits of Meat Posted by: Todd / October 1, 2014 October 1, 2014 What goes into the production of a quarter pound burger? According to J.L. Capper in The Journal of Animal Science, 6.7 pounds of feed, 52.8 gallons of drinking water, 74.5 square feet of grazing, and the equivalent amount of energy it takes to run a microwave for 18 minutes. The average American eats approximately 271 pounds of meat a year—or three, quarter pounder burgers a day. Meat is a tasty part of culture

  • completing this 14 day long course, cadets earn the title of Military Mountaineer.  Training lasts 14 hrs each day for the entire course and cadets learn how to effectively perform small unit tactics in a mountainous terrain and is taught by some of the top Mountaineer’s in the world. Northern WarfareBattle cold and conquer mountains at the Northern Warfare Training Center, Fort Wainwright, Alaska.  Learn basic Mountaineering in one of the most visually appealing places on earth. Cadet Summer Training

  • PLU professors and students dive deep into the psychology of the pandemic Posted by: nicolacs / April 26, 2021 Image: PLU psychology major Ricky Haneda and department chair Jon Grahe (photos by Silong Chhun/PLU) April 26, 2021 By Lisa Patterson '98PLU Marketing and Communications Guest WriterAs the world was beginning to realize the enormity of COVID-19, two Pacific Lutheran University professors seized the 2020 moment to do significant research into the psychology of the pandemic.PLU

  • PLU professors and students dive deep into the psychology of the pandemic Posted by: Zach Powers / April 26, 2021 Image: PLU psychology major Ricky Haneda and department chair Jon Grahe (photos by Silong Chhun/PLU) April 26, 2021 By Lisa Patterson '98PLU Marketing and Communications Guest WriterAs the world was beginning to realize the enormity of COVID-19, two Pacific Lutheran University professors seized the 2020 moment to do significant research into the psychology of the pandemic.PLU

  • February 17, 2010 Sports brings the world to PLU – The Wang Center Symposium By Barbara Clements International sports will be on everyone’s mind as first the Winter Olympics wraps up in Vancouver BC next week, which will be followed a month later by the Paralympics in March. Tucked in between these two events, PLU will host the 2010 Wang Center International Symposium on March 4 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center and on the PLU campus. The event will feature numerous international thinkers

  • PLU will launch into Earth and Diversity Week with the Schnackenberg Memorial Lecture and the Steen Family Symposium Posted by: Jeffrey Roberts / April 9, 2024 Image: PLU’s 2024 Earth and Diversity week kicks off with two keynote events on campus, the Schnackenberg Memorial Lecture and the Steen Family Symposium. April 9, 2024 By Jeffrey RobertsPLU Marketing and Communications Earth & Diversity Week is an opportunity to explore the interconnected relationship between diversity, justice, and