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  • that mentorship and that consistency throughout the years.” Today, Saucedo keeps busy with her work at the Mayo Clinic. She also has big dreams to one day start her own wellness coaching company specifically for healthcare workers.  “I really love mindfulness, and journaling, and meditation,” Saucedo said. “So, I’m really hoping to start a business where I can specifically work with new nurses to really formulate a practice that is encompassing to self-care and promoting health not only with their

  • to him. One of those applications included a position at Netflix, the popular streaming service based out of Los Gatos, California.  “I was like ‘I’m definitely not going to get this,’ but I was doing the shotgun approach, so I really didn’t care,” Ronquillo said. About a week later he received a notification that his resume had been processed and he was invited to take a technical assessment. One application and many hoops later, Ronquillo was hired at Netflix as a user experience developer

  • leave for Namibia, where she will spend nine months studying infection rates in the neonatal intensive care unit of the country’s largest hospital, Windhoek Central Hospital. And while the research isn’t directly tied to neurosurgery, her work in this area has the potential to affect multiple aspects of the medical field. “I’ve narrowed my research down to whether hand hygiene and infection control interventions reduce hospital-associated central line infections,” Larios says. “There’s only been

  • TrainingEmployees must be trained so that each employee knows what PPE is required for the various work areas or tasks that s/he may be assigned. Employees should know: When PPE is necessary What PPE is necessary How to put on the equipment correctly How to adjust and remove equipment The limitations of the PPE Proper care, maintenance, lifespan, and disposal of the PPE The supervisor must keep training records.. Training records should include the name of the employee and the date(s) of the training. The PLU

  • problems and breaking them down to understand them better and ultimately to help solve them,” he says. Economics Major Presents at National Conference Nellie Moran’s capstone research project examines how political candidates’ expenditures affect the outcome of their campaigns. Learn More “Students who are drawn to Economics ask questions for which the answers aren’t easy—poverty, health care, education, unemployment, development, environmental degradation, international relations—but for which they

  • had faced obstacles to participation in sports. “I played softball all through high school and was skilled enough to be able to play in college, but money became the issue. I had to take care of my younger siblings while my parents worked supporting me and my siblings,” read one card, attributed to an 18-year-old U.S. athlete named Stacy. On the cloth walls of the SAAC exhibit were facts displayed as quotes and infographics that pointed out socioeconomic privileges: Head coaches of NCAA Division I

  • creating more opportunities for people to walk, bike and take public transit, Austin’s work focuses on policy development, lobbying and statewide coalition building. “Transportation is an issue that a lot of people care about, but it’s not very many people’s number-one issue.” Austin explains. “As transit advocates, our power is based in our relationships with our closest friends. We have to build pro-transit coalitions at the state and local level to have success.” Austin’s professional career in

  • writer and photographer witnessed some PLU graduates in action and documented a slice of their lives of leadership, care and inquiry. Thu Nguyen '05 Political officer at U.S. Department of State I serve as a foreign service officer, what you’d call a diplomat in the old days. I’ve served three overseas tours in Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Myanmar with tours in Washington, D.C., in between. I’m now working on the Vietnam desk, which means I cover U.S.-Vietnamese relations. In the past nine years, I’ve done

  • cadets. She is a decorated combat veteran of Desert Storm, the conflict in the Balkans and Operation Iraqi Freedom — a seasoned officer who talked with the authority of experience. “What I learned from her about being a leader, taking care of people,” Calata said, “that’s something I’ve always kept.” As he shifted gears from nursing, Calata turned to political science. Through those studies he met Professor Ann Kelleher. She had a reputation as a tough instructor and, like Boice, had real-world

  • Art & Design | Academic Programs | PLU 1: Skip to content 2: Skip to navigation Accessibility Tools (CTRL+U) Text-to-Speech Large Cursor Zoom Level (x1) Reset Zoom Disable Animations Reset All Hide the tools After hiding the tool, if you would like to re-enable it, just press CTRL+U to open this window. Or, move your cursor near the tool to display it. Menu Apply Visit Programs PLU News Menu Search Events ePass Apply Visit Programs PLU News Inquiry. Service. Leadership. Care. Menu Search Events