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alumni at Alaska Airlines corporate headquarters. Opportunities like this are all about making connections, and it’s reflected in our new name: Alumni & Student Connections — the integration of the former Alumni office and Career office that forms a dynamic hub for mentoring, career development and vocation for alumni and students. “This may seem like an obvious pairing — alumni and student careers,” said PLU President Allan Belton. “But the fact is that most small colleges don’t do it well because
Zach Powers ’10 Kevin Knodell ’11 Mark Albanese PHOTOGRAPHER John Froschauer VIDEOGRAPHER Rustin Dwyer HOMEPAGE ANIMATION Hans Fleurimont CONTRIBUTORS Andriana Fletcher ’10 Allison Rise ’12 Sonja Ruud ’12 Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 COURTESY PHOTOS Wang Center Charles Bergman Theodore Charles ’12 Dom Calata ’08 EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara Asuka Goya Chris Albert CLASS NOTES Laura Rose ’03, ’11
Scholarship of Nursing Conference. The recipient is recognized through a certificate, a check for $500, and their name and credentials being displayed on the Teaching Award Plaque located in the SoN administrative offices. The nominee should represent the following criteria: Actively pursues the development of current, evidence-based content for the nursing curricula and for her/his area(s) of expertise Incorporates practices from the scholarly literature on teaching and nursing education into course and
Communication – All students have a right to: truthful, timely, and accurate communication within 3 business days unless otherwise noted from peers, faculty, clinical preceptors, staff, and SoN leadership respectful communication, free from derogatory language privacy of privileged information constructive communication and feedback that supports student development know the preferred communication modality of individual faculty and staff Responsibilities – Students are responsible for: reciprocating the
Sung EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara Asuka Goya Chris Albert CLASS NOTES Shanda Tryon ’07 PROOFREADER Rebecca Young EDITORIAL OFFICES Neeb Center 253-535-8410 PLU OFFICERS Thomas W. Krise, Ph.D. President Rae Linda Brown, Ph.D. Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Belton Vice President for Finance and Administration Donna Gibbs Vice President for Marketing and Communications Daniel
education or community development, and take courses to prepare them for work in that area. They do 50 hours of volunteering or interning and take classes to prepare them to live and work with diverse populations. They work on skills to increase their chances of being part of programs like Peace Corps and being successful at it. Last year, PLU was the fifth-highest volunteer-producing school for Peace Corps — with 14 Lute alumni serving others around the world, Wiley said. “I find this really exciting
Jessica Spring COURTESY PHOTOS Louis Hobson ’00 EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara ’16 Chris Albert CLASS NOTES Laura Rose ’03, ’11 Kathy Allen ’17 PROOFREADER Rebecca Young EDITORIAL OFFICES Neeb Center 253-535-8410 PLU OFFICERS Thomas W. Krise, Ph.D. President Rae Linda Brown, Ph.D. Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Belton Senior Vice President
. Students pick a track, like education or community development, and take courses to prepare them for work in that area. They do 50 hours of volunteering or interning and take classes to prepare them to live and work with diverse populations. They work on skills to increase their chances of being part of programs like Peace Corps and being successful at it. Last year, PLU was the fifth-highest volunteer-producing school for Peace Corps — with 14 Lute alumni serving others around the world, Wiley said
partnership between Pacific Lutheran University, MultiCare, and Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine has been formed to help address health care inequities and provider shortages in Pierce County and beyond. How will this partnership help with workforce development and the health care provider shortage in Washington? Washington is grappling with a severe shortage of health care professionals (e.g., nurses, doctors, health technicians, etc.). This partnership will help qualified
from Harvard University. After completing his graduate studies, Mortvedt served as a faculty member for a variety of colleges statewide and even served as the president of Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas until 1958. In 1962, Mortvedt accepted the presidency of Pacific Lutheran University and worked to emphasize the development of academic programs. During the seven years he served at PLU, the School of Nursing was accredited by the National League of Nursing, a large grant was given to
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