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  • classmates. So, you see, global engagement at PLU means much more than studying abroad. PLU has inspired countless alumni to work and travel and engage with people around the globe in positive and uplifting ways. Not only does PLU cherish our diverse world – the world needs more PLU. Wild Hope The reflections we have shared and the ceremonies we have witnessed on this combined inauguration and convocation day have given all of you—but especially our new students—a glimpse into our institutional history

  • even celebration, its staff, volunteers and community have changed perceptions—and lives—and people have a way of remembering that.To commemorate its 25th anniversary, the Women’s Center asked the PLU community to share experiences and memories of this safe place and its inspiring people. Individually, the stories submitted by current students, alumni, faculty and supporters are moving and inspirational. Together, they start to form powerful themes: Connection. Challenge. Acceptance. Engagement

  • /student-nurse-preceptor Is there a tuition discount for precepting?PLU alumni receive a 10% tuition discount for PLU courses such as in the post-master’s DNP Program. Please contact Heather Graves at Preceptors can receive 8 hours per year of CE for free, sponsored by a HRSA ANEW grant, and are also eligible for a discount on all other CE offerings at the Center for Continued Nursing Learning. How do I get Internet access to the PLU library system?Preceptors may use the

  • Search Events ePass Academics Admission Administration Athletics Alumni Student Life Families Giving Careers at PLU Campus Map Directory About PLU Calendar Library Textbooks News Stories Video ResoLute Photos Livestream Webcams Frequently Searched Items What programs are offered? Do you offer graduate programs? How do I apply? How do international students apply? How much does it cost to attend? How do I get to campus? How can I check my grades? How can I see on-campus dining? Are there any local

  • .  Admissions has developed the following survey to gather testimonials from PLU alumni, as well as find out where students work or go to school after PLU – 1 year after graduation, 5 years or even 10 or more!  You are forever part of the PLU community, and we look forward to hearing from you. Yuzheng (Zack) HouBusiness, 2019 在太平洋路德大学求学的这两年来是我过得最充实的两年,这个学校远离喧嚣可以让我静心学习,这段时间里我的核心课程有不少拿了A并且获得了奖学金。学习有来自各个国家的同学,在与他们的交往中我学到了很多之前不曾学到的知识。并且这个学校的商学院是获得AACSB认证的,全球只有15%不到的商学院有这个资格。 Hanying (Anita) ZengMusic, 2019 能在太平

  • survivors and the role of rescuers in the context of the Holocaust. Registration is now open for the Holocaust Education Conference, which is free and open to the public. Interested students, educators, alumni and community members are urged to reserve a space at both the Conference and the Symposium.     Confirmed Program   Day One: Feb. 20 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m., AUC Gray Area   Ongoing Registration and hospitality   8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., AUC 201   Study Away Expo   9:55-11:40 a.m., Scandinavian Cultural

  • All Courses AICE 276 : Part-Time Internship A supervised educational experience in a work setting on

  • contemporaries to understand the ways gender relations impacted women’s theologies and religious communities. Conference ScheduleProfessor Christensen’s teaching interests include not only medieval and early modern literature, but also East German and post-Unification literature and film, and language pedagogy. Before coming to PLU, she taught at Mount Holyoke College and the University of Notre Dame. She is delighted to be part of PLU’s German program, which is large enough to offer a robust variety of

  • contemporaries to understand the ways gender relations impacted women’s theologies and religious communities. Conference ScheduleProfessor Christensen’s teaching interests include not only medieval and early modern literature, but also East German and post-Unification literature and film, and language pedagogy. Before coming to PLU, she taught at Mount Holyoke College and the University of Notre Dame. She is delighted to be part of PLU’s German program, which is large enough to offer a robust variety of

  • words, as large as a human teenager’s. Third, we used the narratives of our experiences and our photography to write several articles, exploring complex relations between the legal trade and the illegal trade. The legal trade, for example, offers cover for the illegal smuggling of birds, and the same people are often involved in both. Seth Dowland, Ph.D., and Clayton Bracht Department of Religion Sports, Christianity, and Manliness:  Evolving Notions of Christian Manhood in the YMCA Kelmer-Roe