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  • /fail grades. The goals of these courses are typically concerned with appreciation, value commitment, or creative achievement. Exclusive pass/fail courses do not meet major or University requirements without faculty approval. If a student takes an exclusive pass/fail course, the student’s individual pass/fail option is not affected. Grade Changes Faculty may not change a grade once it has been recorded in the registrar’s records unless an error was made in assigning the original grade. The error

  • immunization record 如果您需携带处方药,请准备英文的处方或医生或医院的英文备注 (药品的数量不能超过 90 天; 更多请前往此网站 查看更多关于携带药品入境的信息) Medications and prescriptions/doctor’s notes in English (no more than a 90-day supply; see this website for more information about bringing medications into the US) 请准备英文的服药记录和医疗历史(中药和西药) List of medications and treatments (both Chinese and Western) in English 现金: 最多$50 美金,以便开通信用卡与借记卡(储蓄卡) Money: Up to $50 USD in cash to start + credit/debit cards 笔记本电脑或者台式电脑 Laptop or tablet 手机 Cell phone 为任何电子设备充电的电源线和插头设配器(注:美国与

  • support dated within 12 months. English translation is required if the documents are not issued in English.Immigration Matters Check your I-20/ DS-2019 Check to make sure your I-20/ DS-2019 accurately reflects your first, middle, and last names and date of birth. If you find any error, please notify Graduate Admissions at Get your Student Visa Make an appointment with the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your country and complete the application for your student visa interview. For

  • authoritatively considered an important resource in the discipline, whether or not there is immediate curricular need for it. Is sustainable to obtain according to current and projected budgets. Limiting factors.In addition to the above, we consider the following in choosing materials: Language: English is the default choice for library materials. We will also add materials in languages taught at PLU that support those programs, particularly where selecting such materials meets our equity criteria. Multiple

  • U.S. sport. This presentation will focus on the firsthand experiences of two recent graduates, Jackal Tenelorn and Alyson Theiman, who had the privilege of conveying the spirit of these two sports in South America. Tanelorn, while teaching English in Chile, with a generous donation from a 1950’s women’s softball team, introduced the great American pastime to a small rural school. Theiman was invited to coach and compete in the Ultimate community of urban Colombia as part of an elite Seattle team

  • U.S. sport. This presentation will focus on the firsthand experiences of two recent graduates, Jackal Tenelorn and Alyson Theiman, who had the privilege of conveying the spirit of these two sports in South America. Tanelorn, while teaching English in Chile, with a generous donation from a 1950’s women’s softball team, introduced the great American pastime to a small rural school. Theiman was invited to coach and compete in the Ultimate community of urban Colombia as part of an elite Seattle team

  • March 10, 2014 A National Honor for ‘Digging into Cancer’ ‘Fast Company’ magazine names Hunt one of its 100 Most Creative People of 2014. A Survivor in the Global Spotlight Katie Hunt ’11 fought cancer at PLU, leads the emerging field of paleo-oncology and wowed the crowd at TED2014 By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications After hearing Katie Hunt’s story—of survival, determination, success, worldwide acclaim and infinite promise—you’re likely to experience one of two powerful

  •  right after graduating? PLU provided me with an abundance of clinical, hands-on experience that helped make the transition from school to work life less daunting. The nursing program really hones critical thinking skills and prepared me to take a more creative approach to problem solving. How did you choose Nursing as a field and a career? Nursing kind of jumped out at me when I looked at career lists. It was the career that I felt fit me best: flexible hours, good pay, physically active

  • PHOTOGRAPHER John Froschauer VIDEOGRAPHER Rustin Dwyer CONTRIBUTORS Claudia Berguson Tim Sherry ’67 Joshua Wiersma ’18 COURTESY PHOTOS Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Jonathan Nesvig ’67 EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara ’16 Chris Albert CLASS NOTES Kathy Allen ’17 PROOFREADER Rebecca Young EDITORIAL OFFICES Neeb Center 253-535-8410 PLU OFFICERS Allan Belton Acting

  • 2010 she has been conducting participant observation research with the authors of romance novels, examining the gendered aspects of the career and how women experience writing what has been described as the most popular, least respected literary genre. At PLU, Gregson has a long record of faculty governance and leadership experience. She has served on and chaired the Campus Life Committee, the Rank and Tenure Committee, and the Governance Committee, and has served as Chair of the Faculty, Vice