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  • , Music, or Theatre CCross-Cultural Perspectives FFirst-Year Inquiry Seminar WFirst-Year Writing Seminar H1International Honors - 100 level H2International Honors - 200 level H3International Honors - 300 level HGSEHolocaust and Genocide Studies Elective LTLiterature MRMathematical Reasoning NSNatural Sciences, Math, or Computer Science Elective PEPhysical Education Activity Course PHPhilosophy RCChristian Religious Traditions RGGlobal Regligious Traditions SMScience and Scientific Method SOSocial

  • agriculture, writing, cities, and the state in many parts of the world, comparing and contrasting the great civilizations of antiquity, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Asia, Mesoamerica, and South America. (4) ANTH 387 : Special Topics in Anthropology Selected topics as announced by the department. Course will address important issues in archaeology and cultural anthropology. (1 to 4) ANTH 388 : Special Topics in Anthropology To provide undergraduate students with new, one-time, and developing

  • overarching concepts, and give students another way to focus on learning course material. Our website features a number of study aids and games including: vocabulary quizzes, flashcards, a binary numbers game, ethics writing prompts, and an introduction to loops. The study aids and games were created using a variety of tools including Fisher and Yates algorithm, Durstenfeld Shuffle, CSS transitions class, and dynamic HTML (DHTML). The website is designed using custom images, and created using html, css

  • pricing on Graduate Programs click on the corresponding buttons below. Master of Business AdministrationMaster of Social WorkDoctor of Education in Educational LeadershipMaster of Arts in Education – Preparing New TeachersMaster of Arts in Marriage and Family TherapyMaster of Fine Arts: Rainier Writing WorkshopMaster of Science in NursingPost Graduate Nursing Practitioner CertificatesDoctor of Nursing PracticeSummer 2024 TuitionFor information and pricing on Summer Sessions, click on the button

  • Mrs. Morland, who did not insist on her daughters being accomplished in spite of incapacity or distaste, allowed her to leave off. The day which dismissed the music-master was one of the happiest of Catherine’s life. Her taste for drawing was not superior; though whenever she could obtain the outside of a letter from her mother or seize upon any other odd piece of paper, she did what she could in that way, by drawing houses and trees, hens and chickens, all very much like one another. Writing and

  • really important to me,” says Johnson. “If who I am is not good for someone, talk to the next person down the line.” Stefanie Ellis Telling a story comes naturally for Ellis, because it’s what she has done her whole career. Prior to her work with Girl Scouts, she served as publications editor for Saint Louis University School of Law, was senior copywriter at an ad agency and was a longtime contributor to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and St. Louis magazine. She provides freelance writing, editing and

  • research will measure students’ sense of belonging and the impact of program resources over time. Not only will this funding allow us to provide significant scholarship support for low-income students in STEM, but it will also allow us to better integrate PLU resources and build new structures to support these students’ success.- Ann Auman Curricular engagement will include a transitions course, linked introductory courses and supplemental instruction. Students will learn resume writing, scientific

  • stimulate creativity and problem-solving abilities through the use of modern biochemical techniques. Prerequisite: CHEM 403. (3) CHEM 410 : Introduction to Research An introduction to laboratory research techniques, use of the chemical literature, including computerized literature searching, research proposal, and report writing. Students develop an independent chemical research problem chosen in consultation with a member of the chemistry faculty. Students attend seminars as part of the course

  • Mayer Kurt Mayer Summer Research Fellows: Jessica Alley, Abigail Kunkel, Christian Riddall, Alicia Sprague Moderator: Lisa Marcus, Professor of English, PLU 1:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. – (Chris Knutzen Hall, AUC 214)“Routine Pharmacological Procedures Against Women in Auschwitz: An Unspoken Narrative” – Peggy Kleinplatz The history of routine pharmacological interventions affecting women’s fertility during the Shoah and thereafter has been hidden in plain sight. It is past time to assemble the fragments

  • jewels. Esther’s poisoning and hysteria diagnosis and Edward’s cognizant abuse of the trope of the “hysterical woman” to silence her speaks to the centuries’ long tradition of devaluing female experience or perspective by dehumanizing them, and labeling them “hysterical,” or “crazy.” As detailed by the Oxford English Dictionary, while the original definition of “hysteria” from the 18th century pertained to a “physical disorder of women” stemming from the uterus, the cultural and “medical