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  • past and instruction for the present.6 Even those that were not Huguenot, who did not explicitly share in this history, identified with elements of this history —whether it be the experience of minority status, experiences of persecution or a biblical heritage—and affirmed their part in the identity of Le Chambon. The villagers, Huguenot and otherwise, saw their current situation in terms of what had happened before: they called on this common memory and its resources to respond to their situation

  • places where I felt most connected to my peers, and where I felt most like I could make an impact. The Women’s Center helped me find my voice in ways that surprised even myself: It was the place where I could challenge myself and feel supported in the process, and the place where I felt safe to try things I never would have dared just a few short years before. Most importantly, the Women’s Center came to represent not just a physical place but also shaped, for me, a mental space that informed how I

  • the younger generation around it and bring it under a beneficial, ennobled influence.”—Harstad went on to say in our handwritten Articles of Incorporation that “the object and purpose of this organization [is to] establish and maintain an University or College … for the purpose of educating and giving instruction to the youth of this State, and any and all other States and Countries who may wish to avail themselves of the opportunities offered …” (Articles of Incorporation 5)  Harstad’s use of the

  • this effort as “the study year” and, in a way, the work begins today.  In the next hour we will hear from one of American higher education’s most informed and respected voices David Warren, president of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. Moving forward, the long range planning committee will be establishing a series of study committees to prepare background documents and reports. In addition, the committee will be encouraging every department across campus to

  • interesting, well-designed, and highly beneficial. In addition to receiving an exceptional education, I have also been able to enjoy the beautiful campus and the diverse student population that exists at PLU. What’s next? After graduation I will begin my search for a registered nurse resident position in emergency nursing. After gaining several years of experience, I hope to be able to delve into the specialty of trauma nursing. I have also not entirely eliminated the option of obtaining a master’s degree