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  • Intersections: Lutheran Social Teaching and Economic Life Cover art by Sheila Mesick Intersections, Number 51, Spring 2020 Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each issue reflects on the intersection of faith, learning, and… March 27, 2020 faculty newsletterIntersections

  • Resources page. Website Resources for Measurement University of Kentucky: Center for the Enhancement of Learning & Teaching (CELT) - classroom learning strategies by learning taxonomy level Questions or comments? Please contact the Office of the Provost (253)535-7126 or Return to Assessment Resources

  • Celebrating FacultyThese links highlight and celebrate the excellence of PLU faculty in their teaching, scholarship, and outstanding service. Please share any achievements that you know about!AccoladesView recent PLU community member accoladesView AccoladesRESOLUTERead about faculty serviceRead OnlineFaculty Excellence AwardsFaculty Excellence Award RecipientsView RecipientsSubmissionShare your achievement and the achievement of others through the form linked below. Marketing and Communications

  • added to the already urgent work of sheltering and supporting individuals experiencing homelessness in Tacoma.How long have you been with Tacoma Rescue Mission and what drew you here? I’ve been with Tacoma Rescue for two years. In college, I volunteered here, doing some Street Under the Bridge Ministry with Ron Vignec, a former campus pastor.  The rescue mission was on my radar as a place that impacts the community, on my shortlist of workplaces for more than a decade. So this was kind of a dream

  • Retention of CorrespondenceDescription of Records Ex-officio as chief executive officer of the congregation Correspondence to and from officers of the congregation and the bishop of the synod Personal correspondence Care of Records Email is especially vulnerable to loss. Email that represents policies, program, and ongoing life of the congregation should be printed out. Final Disposition Place only letters that describe the program and ongoing life of the congregation in the congregation’s

  • PLU promotes the health, safety, and wellness of our community. Campus SafetyCampus safety promotes and sustains a safe environment and effectively responds to campus incidents. Campus Safety HealthThe Health Center offers a wide range of primary-care services, and all Health Center visits are offered at no charge. Health Center Rights and ResponsibilitiesEach student associated with PLU is expected to be familiar with and to follow all policies, rules and regulations. Rights and

  • Vendor InformationPreferred VendorsPLU preferred vendors include those that have preferred contracts with the University directly and cooperative contracts. Purchases of $10,000 and over from a PLU preferred vendor do not require competitive bidding. Learn moreResponsible PurchasingPLU is committed to diversity, inclusion and care for communities as a means of upholding our mission. The Procurement Office has developed supplier diversity initiatives to ensure these values are represented in our

  • The Couple and Family Therapy CenterHours of Availability for Therapy: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Counseling sessions are currently being conducted in-person or through teletherapy. Learn more about our safety measures below.Call us for more information or to start the intake process. Phone: 253-535-8782 At the CFTC, we offer affordable, high-quality therapy to individuals, couples, and families. Care at our center is based on a systemic approach that

  • , we believe this to be an urgent conversation prompted by our mission and PLU’s commitment to diversity and justice,” said Rachel Haxtema, program coordinator at the PLU Center for Community Engagement and Service. The program will be moderated by PLU Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies Emily Davidson and the panel will include PLU Lutheran Studies Chair Samuel Torvend, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Sergia Hay, the Rev. Mark Knutson of Augustana Lutheran Church in Portland, Oregon

  • October 27, 2011 Four years ago, Assistant Chemistry Professor Justin Lytle started the “Chemistry of Food” series with Erica Fickeisen, lead baker with PLU’s Dining and Culinary Services.(Photo by John Froschauer) The right recipe for fun and learning The recipe for how Assistant Professor of Chemistry Justin Lytle teaches looks a little like this: Add two-parts enthusiasm and a love of teaching, one-part knowledge of the sciences, and a heaping scoop of passion for the chemistry of food. Then