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  • engineering school such as Columbia University or Washington University in St. Louis. The total length of study is usually five years: three years at PLU and two years at the engineering school. Hence, the program is often referred to as “3-2 Engineering.” “At PLU, students are getting an education that includes communication skills, justice, diversity, and the mission to care for the planet and for people,” Hay said. “That’s a really, really strong job candidate and a student who is mission-driven in

  • programs, students and staff on campus put an emphasis on service and care,” she says. “That’s what drew me to PLU, what kept met at PLU and what has sustained me.” At PLU, she majored in both communications and Hispanic studies. “I took my first Spanish language class in 10th grade, and I fell in love with the language from the start,” she says. Following graduation from PLU, she earned a master’s degree in translation from Kent State University in Ohio, and subsequently returned to PLU’s Hispanic

  • test | Academic Programs | PLU 1: Skip to content 2: Skip to navigation Accessibility Tools (CTRL+U) Text-to-Speech Large Cursor Zoom Level (x1) Reset Zoom Disable Animations Reset All Hide the tools After hiding the tool, if you would like to re-enable it, just press CTRL+U to open this window. Or, move your cursor near the tool to display it. Menu Apply Visit Programs PLU News Menu Search Events ePass Apply Visit Programs PLU News Inquiry. Service. Leadership. Care. Menu Search Events ePass

  • feel supported and taken care of for me to be motivated in this new place. At PLU, I can come meet with the professors in their office hours or through email whenever I need. This is great as I don’t feel distant with my own professors, the people who bring me knowledge every day. Further, there are people that are willing to talk to me about my problems. It warms my heart because people here do care about you! Tu NguyenComputer Science, 2016 PLU is a good school with small class room so it will be

  • About Campus Life The vision of Campus Life is to create opportunities and environments that:  inspire and cultivate joy  champion equity and justice enrich authentic growth care for wellbeing Campus Life fulfills our vision through our mission: Campus Life seeks to engage students in co-creating and sustaining radically inclusive communities of belonging, learning, and leadership — for students and the intersecting communities in which we are rooted. Campus Life creates a cohesive, intentional

  • TimelyCare (formerly Lute Telehealth)TimelyCare expands access to mental health and medical care by providing HIPAA compliant access to online or phone-based services, 24/7/365. All PLU students currently located in the United States and enrolled for classes may access TimelyCare services at any time, from anywhere.  (Students enrolled and located abroad may access the “Talk Now” portion of TimelyCare via a U.S.-based telephone/cellphone or via internet using the PLU VPN.) TimelyCare provides

  • , for investment in technology for mental health counselors to provide care to students virtually.  Prior to the pandemic, 30 percent of PLU students sought mental health services. Now that we’re 11 months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the Washington Department of Health is predicting an increased risk of depression and hopelessness for the remainder of 2020 and into early 2021. In September, PLU received its second Pierce County Connected grant, this time for assistance with its mental health

  • questions that help me recall my own knowledge on the subject. I get to meet new people and be uber-nerdy all the time, which is great for me. Who did you conduct chemistry research with, and on what topic? I did one summer of ecology research in the summer of 2021, developing PCR tests similar to COVID tests for a specific fungal pathogen that affects snakes. In the summer of 2022, I was in Dr. Waldow’s chemistry lab working on synthesizing new conductive polymers. I was working on organic materials

  • . The recently renovated, $20-million Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts is the premier performing arts center in the South Puget Sound region. The university offers 44 majors and 54 minors as well as graduate and professional programs in business administration, creative writing, education, finance, marketing research, marriage and family therapy and nursing. Back <

  • Thursday, October 29, 2020 | 1-3 p.m. (Pacific Time)Chat real-time in our virtual meeting room with our program directors and advisors to explore graduate programs in business, education, nursing and health services, and learn how a graduate degree will enhance career prospects and optimize opportunities. You can also participate in a workshop on how to pay for graduate school. The virtual fair will be held online via Zoom. Register in advance to receive a confirmation email with the the Zoom