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  • ``2013 - Neil Foley``The Hispanic Challenge and the Latinization of America``2012 - Michael Adas``The Subaltern's Lament: Misbegotten Wars and the Decline of Great Power``2011 - Raymond Mentzer``Brawls in the Pews: Fighting Over Seating in Reformed Worship``2010 - Martha Sandweiss``Passing Strange: A Gilded Age Tale of Love and Deception Across the Color Line``2009 - Joshua A. Fogel``The Nanjing Atrocity In Chinese Historical Memory``2008 - Omer Bartov``Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in

  • : Be able to work with abstract mathematical structures, and to generalize from the concrete to the abstract. Additional Learning Outcomes for BS in Mathematics Education (BSME) (Adapted from Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators’ 2017 Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics.) Demonstrate the belief that all people are capable of thinking mathematically and are able to solve sophisticated mathematical problems with effort. Demonstrate understanding that the social, historical, and

  • in the United States, Europe, Japan, and New Zealand. He has performed at National Conventions of the Organ Historical Society, and has played some of the most significant organs in the US. As a lecturer, he has presented numerous programs at chapter meetings of the American Guild of Organists, and at other conventions. He also performs frequently in duet concerts with University of Illinois professor of organ, Dana Robinson. Duetto by J C Bach Buxtehude Praeludium in a minor Bach Toccata Adagio

    Area of Emphasis/Expertise
  • in the United States, Europe, Japan, and New Zealand. He has performed at National Conventions of the Organ Historical Society, and has played some of the most significant organs in the US. As a lecturer, he has presented numerous programs at chapter meetings of the American Guild of Organists, and at other conventions. He also performs frequently in duet concerts with University of Illinois professor of organ, Dana Robinson. Duetto by J C Bach Buxtehude Praeludium in a minor Bach Toccata Adagio

    Area of Emphasis/Expertise
  • students and to create unity and comfort in his classrooms. German 302 student Miya Higashiyama explains that Jonathan “demonstrates the perfect balance of challenging his students while working with them to make sure they…understand the material.” She continues: “Dr. Fine…also gave me the opportunity to…challenge my own beliefs in a safe environment about difficult moral and historical issues (in German, no less!).” As German House advisor Jonathan helped student resident assistant Lisa Hartwell in

  • basic understandings about race, gender, and other identities; historical interpretation and authority; social justice; social and political change; the hidden effects of stereotyping; inclusive pedagogy; and free speech issues; [and] develop realistic plans to enable their institutions to strengthen diversity and civility on campus, both inside and outside the classroom.” The team hopes to engage the campus in using the lessons from the institute to aid in the ongoing development of the Diversity

  • for LGBTQ+ Youth in the United States Andy Valentin 9:30am - Daniela SalazarConversion Therapy and the LGBTQ+ Community: The Past, Present, and Future Daniela Zalazar 9:45am - QUESTIONSQuestions Q&A 10:00am - Ella MerteFood Deserts: Devastation for Families and Children Ella Merte 10:15am - Haley MiguelWelfare Realities: Social Equity and the Myth of the American Dream Haley Miguel 10:30am - Chantel HayesBridging Health Disparities in Racial Minorities by Addressing Historical Trauma   Brandon

  • Summer Research Fellows Share Results PLU Students Share their Research Findings on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 Posted by: halvormj / October 15, 2021 October 15, 2021 By Michael Halvorson ’85, Benson Family Chair in Business and Economic History Are you curious about innovative historical research projects that are transforming PLU? PLU’s Business and Economic History Program invites you to learn more at a presentation of creative scholarship by the 2021 Benson Foundation Summer Research

  • Benson Summer Research Fellows to Present History Students Share their Research Findings on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 Posted by: halvormj / October 15, 2021 October 15, 2021 By Michael Halvorson ’85 Are you curious about innovative historical research projects that are transforming PLU and our communities? The History department invites you to learn more at a presentation of creative scholarship by the 2021 Benson Foundation Summer Research Fellows. The colloquium takes place on Wednesday

  • Summer Research Fellows Share Results By Michael Halvorson ’85, Benson Family Chair in Business and Economic History Are you curious about innovative historical research projects that are transforming PLU? PLU’s Business and Economic History Program invites you to learn more at a presentation of creative scholarship by the 2021 Benson… October 15, 2021 Benson Family Summer Research FellowshipBenson FellowsBusiness and Economic HistoryMichael Halvorson