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  • designations, and the ethical/political effects of such questions. (4) PHIL 229 : Human Rights - VW This course examines historical development of philosophical notions associated with "rights-based" language in domestic and international political life, and how these concepts are essential to understand the emergency and dominant discourse of human rights post 1948. (4) PHIL 231 : Ancient Philosophy - VW The development of philosophical thought and methods from the Pre-Socratic period to the end of the

  • Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate (IB) PLU awards credit to students who have taken and scored a certain level on AP and IB exams. Click here for more information.   College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) CLEP is a credit-by-exam program. Students can take exams in various disciplines and receive credit based on their score. Visit for additional information and exam options. Students who wish to received credit for CLEP exams must work with the

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • birth. This presentation reveals a specter of brutality that is not often recognized, and is contrary to the traditional image of the ‘helping profession’ of medicine, and particularly, reproductive medicine. It is based on the multiple-award winning book: Birth Sex and Abuse: Women’s Voices under Nazi Rule (2015). “Mengele at Auschwitz: Reconstructing the Twins” – Paul Weindling The twins researched on by Mengele are an iconic group among the ca. 30000 victims of Nazi medical experiments and

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • Placement Guide before enrolling. (4) HISP 287 : Special Topics in Hispanic Studies To provide undergraduate students with new, one-time, and developing courses not yet available in the regular curriculum. The title will be listed on the student term-based record as ST: followed by the specific title designated by the academic unit. (1 to 4) HISP 288 : Special Topics in Hispanic Studies To provide undergraduate students with new, one-time, and developing courses not yet available in the regular

  • the student term-based record as Intern: followed by the specific title designated by the instructor in consultation with the student and the Advisory Board for the Engineering internship course and the Engineering & Industry Minor. (1 to 12) PHYS 110: Astronomy – NW Stars and their evolution, galaxies and larger structures, cosmology, and the solar system. Emphasis on observational evidence. Evening observing sessions. Prerequisite: MATH 115 or equivalent by math placement exam. (4) PHYS 125