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until after college that I fell head over heels for poetry,” she said. “I was learning by going to The Strand (bookstore in New York City) and reading anything I could find.” After moving back to Seattle, where she grew up, the lifelong learner and avid reader started taking poetry classes at Hugo House, a nonprofit “place for writers.” That cemented her future plans as a poet. “When the urge to go back to school got big enough, I had to figure out what to do with that urge,” Swift said. Billie
results by type. Similarly, there are different ways for you to search for different types of sources. Follow the examples below for more information.Locating books and music scoresTo quickly locate books and music scores in the library, use the library homepage. By clicking on the “Advanced Search” link located under the main search bar and then selecting either “Books” or “Sound recordings” under the “Material Type” section, you’ll be able to search through all the relevant resources held in the
of psalms, chanting and sacred music from various religious traditions. Those visuals transform into a marriage of fluttering lines that dance on the pages, illuminated with gold trimmings and vibrant colors. The sound waves of psalms run horizontal; those of the other traditions — Islamic, Jewish, Native American and more — run vertical. Together, they create an inclusive tapestry of sound that you see rather than hear. The idea is to honor the physics of sound, which reverberates through the
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Theatre & Dance Events view images descriptions print Select which month(s) you would like to print:
, athletics, music performance, outdoor recreation), the behavior raises concern for the safety of those on-campus or in the neighboring community, or the behavior jeopardizes the university’s interests in the community. In addition, the university may follow the procedures outlined in the Student Conduct System whenever a student is accused of a criminal act, regardless of the location of its occurrence. 学生的行为一旦违反了学生行为准则,PLU将保留遵循学生行为体系中规定程序的相关权利。无论学生违规行为发生在任何地方,只要学生参加有PLU赞助或是期举办的活动(即交换学生,替代春假,田径项目,音乐表演,户
customized plan for you, email Michael Halvorson ( Use the following plans as a starting point. Professor Halvorson will help you find the classes that best fit your future goals. Art & Design Major / Innovation Studies MinorBusiness Major / Innovation Studies MinorCommunication Major / Innovation Studies MinorComputer Science Major / Innovation Studies MinorEconomics Major / Innovation Studies MinorEnglish Major / Innovation Studies MinorHistory Major / Innovation Studies
, teaching life skills and empowering young people. She also taught English classes privately out of her home. “I had a strong desire to serve my country and people,” she said. “Through our educational work, I learned that I needed to know more about family dynamics in order to be more effective serving this population. … I came to a conclusion that marriage and family therapy could provide me with skills and expertise needed.” After two years of research, Sabet-Kazilas applied to roughly 20 programs in
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