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  • Reasoning (4) Engaging the Natural World (4) Students must also complete the senior Culminating Experience requirement (1-4) If I drop the IHON program, how will my IHON credits transfer to the General Education program at PLU?Should you decide to drop the IHON program, IHON credits transfer into the General Education program. Please see the IHON Director for the proper paperwork to execute such a change. At that meeting, the director will determine exactly where to place your IHON credits within the

  • the Faculty Notification Letter, which is sent to designated professors describing the authorized classroom accommodations. Students must request notice be sent to each faculty member. Chosen faculty will then receive the Faculty Notification Letter via email. This email should be kept confidential and should only be discussed privately with OAA staff or the student What Can Accommodations Not Do? Require a change in the functional outcome of a course. Require an alteration to the technical

  • schedule, and I am always busy but learn a lot. Besides studying, I have two jobs on campus, Tutor for Business Major students and Major Gifts Assistant in KPLU. PLU has flexible academic programs. When Sichuan Students transferred to PLU, they need to think what are they going to do in the future, Accounting, Marketing, Finance, or Global Management. Students also can even change major, have minors, or double major. We do have some students who have already changed their major or double major in Math

  • revolutionary, albeit simple, change in mentality that would make such efforts more sustainable, equitable, and just. I learned that my own projections of “peace” and “success” are shaped by my personal cultural understanding of such ideals and in order to be successful in this work, I must take a step back and embrace my role as merely a moderator and conduit for connections between the conflicted parties.  I was also impressed by the Nansen commitment to the “1,000 cups of coffee” rule which implies that

  • graduated because it was so important to her.” The next step in Ceynar’s research will include partnering with female professors in the natural sciences to study how student expectations of professors vary by discipline and gender. This is a growing research field, with more studies on the extra burdens students place on faculty of color, as well. One way Ceynar hopes to help change the way students treat their female professors is by sharing these findings with them. Traditional formalities are

  • Wallschlaeger, director for Evangelical Mission, Southwestern Washington Synod P LU embraces its middle name—its Lutheran heritage and higher education values that engage students, faculty and staff from all faith and religious backgrounds (or no religious affiliation) in meaningful and authentic ways. The university exists at the intersection of spiritual diversity and change in the Pacific Northwest, an area known as an exciting spiritual frontier and simultaneously, in contrast, known as the “none zone

  • use my title once I graduated because it was so important to her.” The next step in Ceynar’s research will include partnering with female professors in the natural sciences to study how student expectations of professors vary by discipline and gender. This is a growing research field, with more studies on the extra burdens students place on faculty of color, as well. One way Ceynar hopes to help change the way students treat their female professors is by sharing these findings with them

  • master’s, still exists. And I think that is huge,” she said. “Sometimes as things change in the world, organizations change. The student focus is still alive and well and strong. I would come back again.” Well, she already has — sort of. “I can’t get any more degrees,” she quipped. “This is the closest I can get.”

  • a common passion for teaching and engaging our students and continue to learn and strive for excellence. As Dean, I am fortunate to hear time and time again about the incredible impact that we make and it makes me proud. I encourage you to keep connected with our School through our various media sources – SOACtivities, Facebook, Twitter, and of course, the SOAC website. Please feel free to connect with me directly at Sincerely, Cameron Bennett, Dean School of Arts and

  • Transformative Lutheran Theologies (Fortress, 2010) and Lutherrenaissance: Past and Present (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015) along with several other journals and books. Conference ScheduleLottie DurenPresentation Title: Mayer Summer Research Fellow Presentation Who: Lottie Duran ’19 Majors: Politics & Government, Women’s & Gender Studies Minor: Holocaust & Genocide Studies Conference ScheduleMathilde MaggaPresentation Title: Mayer Summer Research Fellow Presentation Who: Mathilde Magga Majors: Minors