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  • vice president for the Residence Hall Association, Siburg is currently working on his capstone project for religion and economics. His research examines the religious promotion of sustainable development in third world nations. Siburg is the third PLU student to receive the fellowship. Read Previous Basketball adventure Read Next Art grants support PLU faculty COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing

  • school scientists was Heather Eberhart, a senior in Bellarmine Prep’s Marine Chemistry program. Eberhart designed a light trap to study crab larvae, and won first place for her work. She also received the AAUW Outstanding Research award, the NSPE Innovative Engineering award, and the Possibility Realized Award. Eberhart is looking to study medicine at the University of Washington or at the University of Southern California, but “still would love to study marine chemistry.” Other noteworthy projects

  • research interests include modern Jewish identity formation and political self-representations, 1881-1948; art, politics, and culture; the politics of religion in Mandate Palestine; perceptions of social deviance among Jewry from early modern times to the present; Jews and German culture; ties between charity and nationalism; and modes of understanding and misunderstanding the Holocaust. Holocaust Studies Program at PLU This past Spring, at the annual Powell and Heller Holocaust Conference it was

  • Buddhist to talk about it as well.” He spent part of his time doing research for his dissertation as a Fulbright Fellow at Taiwan National University. During that time he was also able to examine hundreds of digital copies of documents from that era. It had been the first time they were available digitally. Previously, he would have had to travel to each location they were kept. “There was just this massive explosion of resources,” Hammerstrom said. For whatever reason, he thinks not enough had been

  • as a part-time professor in Fall 2006, Todd now shares her passion for glaciers and rocks with her students. She takes advantage of PLU’s location, bringing students’ learning outside the classroom to places like Mount Rainier, where she takes her students snowshoeing in winter months and studying melt water through research projects over the summer. “During the summer months my students and I are clambering all over the mountain, collecting melt water samples and trying to learn more about

  • medical reporter for The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, blogged for NPR via KPLU (Humanosphere initially was launched from KPLU as an NPR experiment) and covered AIDS vaccine research in Thailand for the Aids Vaccine Advocacy Coalition. The Seattle native also has produced a few local plays about the news business, and once lived in his car. Even with the success of Humanosphere (Bill Gates is a faithful reader), Paulson is a humble humanitarian. He looks outward, at a suffering world, and has adopted

  • Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Institute. The forum brings together advocates for peace from all over the world with diverse education and experience. National and international leaders present regarding issues such as human trafficking, Ebola and, this year’s, theme: disarmament. One such speaker is former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who will speak about his latest book, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence and Power.  Read Previous PLU Seniors Present Research at World’s Largest Math Conference

  • benefits and pitfalls of Proposition 1, an initiative being posed to Tacoma voters that, if approved, would raise the city’s minimum wage to $15.Speaking in favor of Proposition 1 will be policy research analyst Vince Kueter and PLU Chinese Studies and History double major Angie Tinker ‘16. Speaking in opposition will be Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Pierson and Communications major Matt Aust ’17. PLU Director of Forensics Justin Eckstein hopes that Tacoma voters who have yet to come

  • . Shout out to RHA for a great NSO @plurha — Patricia Krise (@pattylkrise) September 2, 2016 Read Previous University Conference launches the 2016-17 academic year, a time dedicated to powerful introspection institution-wide Read Next PLU’s provost plans to improve faculty diversity, visibility and accessibility of campus research COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a

  • is the CMA 2017 Apple Award for “Best Newspaper,” presented to The Mast for journalistic excellence in the category for schools with fewer than 5,000 students. WE WON!!!! BEST NEWSPAPER! 🍎Go Lutes! @PLUNEWS #cmanyc17 — Mast Media (@PLUMast) March 14, 2017 A total of 10 Pacific Lutheran University students traveled to New York last month to attend the student media conference hosted by the CMA, an organization that offers education, research and resources for student