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  • TACOMA, WASH. (June 7, 2018) — Brittany Bowen ’18 had barely started school when she chose her life’s work. By the age of 8, she’d decided to become a teacher. Although she set her career goal early in life, Bowen’s path to a Pacific Lutheran…

    student aspect,” said Proctor, who will attend Oregon State in the fall. “In this class, I could see the teacher’s side of it and empathize more. I get it now. I understand.” As modeled by Proctor’s chosen path to higher education, Larsen said that recruiting students to attend PLU isn’t the only goal of Teach 253. “It’s about building relationships,” she said. Many students who graduate after taking a Teach 253 class in high school attend a community college. Larsen said improving links with local

  • PLU mathematics professor Jessica Sklar is one of 23 collaborators creating a notable work of art, soon touring the nation. Called Mathemalchemy, the installation celebrates the beauty and creativity of mathematics. The finished piece will be about 16 x 8 feet in area and 9…

    that I realized I’d been learning about Venn diagrams.” To make math more accessible for students and the general public, she explores the relationships between math and art, and math and pop culture. She even co-edited a book about the latter with her mother, Elizabeth Sklar: “Mathematics in Popular Culture: Essays on Appearances in Film, Fiction, Games, Television and Other Media.“ Last year, she taught a PLU general education math course on math in popular culture. Students were introduced to

  • At PLU, we’re building up the next generation of Lutes — ones who will be called to lead us into an uncertain future. On Bjug Day you joined together in ensuring students are fully equipped to answer that call. Despite navigating a global pandemic, we…

    applied field research. It helps our students become systems thinkers, to understand that a single issue or problem can—and must—be seen from a variety of perspectives. It challenges students to understand the complexity inherent in human relationships with places, and how we need to work with all the living communities of that place—plant and animal and mineral as well as human—in our restoration efforts.Let's keep the conversation going! Read the additional Bjug Day Q&A's Bjug Day Q&A

  • Social work major April Reyes ’21 loves to talk about her tattoos. She has 13 total, nine of which she received while studying at PLU. She struggles to choose a favorite but says she loves to flaunt the lotus flower on the back of her…

    .  Determined to do well, Reyes was able to build meaningful relationships with supportive faculty and staff, including Fitzwater Gonzales. You know how a bird will ruffle its feathers a little bit to be a little intimidating? My tattoos are like that,” she said. “I don’t think I’m intimidating, but it shows I’m not some fragile little thing. All my tattoos pay tribute to my life journey and self-reflection. April Reyes ’21 PLU Social Work Major “I think I was very hard on myself while at PLU. I was trying

  • In the summer of 2016, Rev. Jen Rude and her spouse Deb packed their things and drove two thousand miles West on Interstate 90 to a new home and a new call. Six-and-half years later, Rude is no longer PLU’s “new pastor from Chicago.” Now…

    leadership and finding ways to collaborate.   When I started here I also felt like I needed to be really student-centered. Many students were ready to embrace me in this role as soon as I was introduced as the campus pastor. It took faculty and staff a bit longer to build a comfort level. Now I’ve been here long enough that hopefully I’ve earned some credibility and trust. Now I have rich relationships with faculty and staff members and I think of this as part of my role as pastor. I feel like my role is

  • At a summer 2023 banquet launching the Uukumwe Project, Sanet Steenkamp, executive director of Namibia’s Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture, advised a group of Namibian and American teachers not to hold back. “The children,” she said, “deserve for us not to hold back.” Steenkamp’s…

    5th grade teacher at Wainwright Intermediate School in Tacoma, the project requires a certain humility. “Collaborative practice, sharing challenges and celebration, reflecting on our goals and growth all stem from strong, grounded relationships that require vulnerability and building trust over time,” she says. On both sides, the project has meant life-long connections and friendships rooted in a spirit of reciprocity.“Namibia is starting to feel like a second home, and my Uukumwe team a part of

  • Originally published in 2005 For two weeks of March, 2000, in the vast jungle along Mexico’s southern border with Belize, I joined a team of biologists and hounds in chasing and capturing a wild jaguar. I was in Mexico as a Fulbright Scholar. It took…

    , compelling research on animals in recent decades has dramatically changed our image of animal consciousness and our understanding of our relationships with animals. We are experiencing an exciting new wave of interest in animals. Animals are moving out of biology and zoology departments and into fields once way out of bounds for them. The conference I referred to earlier, for example, was one of four major international and multidisciplinary conferences to be held on animal issues in the last two years

  • In January 2006, a group of PLU students — bundled up in warm coats, gloves, hats and sturdy boots — stepped carefully from the boat on which they’d been traveling onto the rocky and icy shores of Antarctica. This intrepid class helped seal a spot…

    January term in Uruguay, spring semester in Granada, Spain, and then for a fall semester I was in London. I was aware of study away in high school, and I was going to make it happen no matter where I went to college, but I really liked the idea of J-term at PLU, that there were so many options, and that study away was such a priority here.  Studying away my first year: I did Uruguay my first year, and there were a lot of good lessons to learn. I had different expectations based on a couple of trips I

  • Diving in to “Tapped Out: Unearthing the Global Water Crisis” For the past year and a half, MediaLab students Haley Huntington, Kortney Scroger, Valery Jorgensen and Katie Baumann have traveled throughout North America documenting the importance of water and perils facing our world’s most important…

    . Louis, we piled into our trusty rental mini van, nicknamed “Starship Enterprise,” and headed south. Our end destination was New Orleans, LA, only a mere 14 hours south of where we were. Along the way, however, we had a couple of stops to make. The first was Thebes, IL, where an impressive amount of river construction was going on. The river’s low levels had revealed sheets of rock along the river bottom that were causing issues for passing vessels. To mitigate the issue, the USACE developed a plan

  • This spring, the Strategic Enrollment Management Advisory Committee (known as SEMAC) will finalize PLU’s philosophy of enrollment, with the intention to ask our Board of Regents to adopt a final draft statement with enrollment targets in May. (See the current draft here  on the Provost…

    higher quality students if it is a little harder to be admitted.True.  During our enrollment challenge of the last couple of years, we have maintained two important indicators of quality: GPA/SAT and Net Tuition Revenue Per Student.  We didn’t sacrifice quality to bring in the numbers we wanted; we stuck to our commitment to quality and preparation. *Note: All comments are moderated If we add new graduate programs does this mean that we are taking away other graduate programs?So far, the feeling