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  • educational tradition of working for issues of justice and tolerance. According to Professor Emeritus of History Philip Nordquist’s ’56 second book documenting the history of PLU “Inquiry, Service, Leadership and Care: Pacific Lutheran University 1988-2008,” faculty members were already studying and teaching about the Holocaust as soon as the 1950s. But when Christopher Browning began his tenure as professor in PLU’s history department in 1974, he brought with him a renewed interest in the subject

  • Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) program, so PLU hopes to have elementary-, middle- and high-school students use the greenhouse in the future to learn about the importance of plants. The idea for building a new greenhouse began in the late 2000s, when the Department of Biology hired two new faculty members who were specifically interested in botany, and then-Biology Chair Smith realized they would not be properly equipped for their teaching and scholarship. Currently, PLU’s facilities include a 325

  • .” Therefore, faculty members will own the copyrights in works that result from a faculty member’s pursuit of traditional teaching, research and scholarly activities, including the creation of books, articles and other literary works; computer software; inventions; artistic, musical or dramatic works; or course materials, whether in traditional or electronic form, unless they fall within one of the exceptions below. The University may own copyrightable works created by faculty in specific instances. Those

  • , she recalls that she also discovered her confidence and passion for fiction writing as an undergraduate. “I wasn’t counting on was how much PLU would help foster my future in writing as well as teaching,” she says. “It wasn’t until I found success and received encouragement from my professors in the several writing courses I took while at PLU that I started thinking of writing as something more than an enjoyable hobby.” After graduating from PLU, Walton headed straight to graduate school at

  • dissertation, though she had no idea at the time. “Some teachers do not impact your life until years later when you realize that you have been teaching elements of his or her work without even realizing it,” Wallace says. For her PhD, she attended the University of Colorado. The Colorado Shakespeare Festival had also offered her a job as a dramaturg and she was given the opportunity to teach during her four years there. At University of Colorado, it was the norm for PhD students to rotate the classes they

  • order to obtain the information. In collaboration efforts, the β-sheet W2KL11 peptide was subjected to structural and topological studies as well. Wednesday, April 29th, 2009 1:50 pm - Teaching through Experiments: Laboratory Experiments in the High School Chemistry CurriculumMarie Reardon, Senior Capstone Seminar Teaching science is a unique experience. Not only is there an expectation that a set of concepts that must be taught, but it is also necessary to provide students with authentic hands-on

  • all students are required to take. We feel it is important that students can still choose the subject matter that interests them.Questions about the Fitness and Wellness RequirementQuestions about the Fitness and Wellness RequirementDo we need FTWL 100 and an activity course? Do we need a FTWL requirement? The inclusion of the FTWL requirement reflects our commitment to the integration of mind and body, and to teaching the whole human. FTWL 100 encourages students to develop healthy habits for

  • Studies, and Sport and Exercise Psychology and a Peace Corp Prep certificate Hometown: Olympia, WA Selected accomplishments: ASPLU Vice President; co-founder, Interfaith Games at PLU; Certified Yoga instructor at PLU; student representative on numerous committees, including Academic Affairs (Board of Regents), Campus Life, Counseling Center Director Search, Parking Appeals, Parking, Sustainability, Student Sustainability; three-year student-athlete Post-graduation plans: Teaching English to 3-6 year

  •   Abstract: Current PLU students, representing a variety of disciplines, will share their stories and perspectives on how they came to be interested in researching genocide, as well as the challenges and opportunities they have encountered in engaging their specific areas of interest.   B.- AUC 133   University of Washington Graduate Student Panel:  “Unfinished Sentences: Addressing human rights in the wake of the armed conflict in El Salvador”   Alex Montalvo , Communications and Program Development, UW

  • . Power conductors alone or above communication conductors, 300 volts or less: 24 inches; more than 300 volts: 30 inches. Communication conductors below power conductors with power conductors 300 volts or less: 24 inches; more than 300 volts: 30 inches. (b) Open conductors must conform to the following minimum clearances: 10 feet: above finished grade, sidewalks, or from any platform or projection from which they might be reached. 12 feet: over areas subject to vehicular traffic other than truck