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When asked how her students are persevering in times of distance learning, Giovanna Urdangarain, Associate Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies responded, “They inspire me daily.” Transitioning to online learning has been a lengthy process for all involved, but Professor Urdangarain is grateful to have…
has completed over the years can be found on their Youtube channel HERE. Nahia Mauri, is also an activist member of Ovejas negras, the first Uruguayan transgender woman sociologist, who graduated from the UDELAR (University of the Republic) in 2019 and the spokesperson for the Coordination of the March for the Diversity of Uruguay (September 2021). Her participation in the TV campaign educating about Law 19.684, the Uruguayan Gender Identity Law approved in 2018, can be seen HERE. Greetings from
What is a PLU Confidential Advocate? The PLU Confidential Advocate is a trained individual who is confidential when it comes to incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner Identity-Based Resources API Chaya 877-922-4292 / 206-325-0325 Ujima (Black Community) 1-844-778-5462 Northwest Immigrant Rights Project 206-816-3893 (Tacoma Office) Consejo Counseling and Referral Service (Latin@) 253-414-7461 (Tacoma Office) The Northwest Network (LGBTQ+) 206-568-7777 1in6 (Men)* Chat Helpline StrongHearts Native Helpline* 844-762-8483 strongheartshelpline.orgWhat is Intimate Partner
Ed.D Courses
students along the gender/sexual identity spectrum and their intersections. This course supports students in creating equitable and rich school and district cultures where staff, students, and members of the wider school community are engaged and work together to create a dynamic, inclusive learning environment. (3) EDUC 762 : Educational Leadership: Systems Leadership The goal of this course is to expand the students' understanding of systems thinking (a) the role of the leader in evaluating systems
9:15 – 10:20 a.m. | March 9 Who: Eamonn Baker, Training Co-ordinator, Towards Understanding and Healing
and cultural diversity. In particular, she’ll explore the way this has played out in her upper division class by the same title, and in her own work on health and wellness in Coast Salish communities. In this context, “being healthy” is taken to mean the ability to embody one’s working identity within one’s community; and “wellness” means balance and harmony within physical, mental, spiritual, ecological, and social systems. Publications: Religion and Culture in Native America – 9781538104767
Mention Parkland, and Washingtonians tend to conjure up a slew of stereotypes and misconceptions. But to Antonio Sablan ’18 and other Pacific Lutheran University students who grew up in and around Pierce County, the area represents something much greater: home. “Parkland is resourceful. Parkland’s gritty,…
infrastructure, however, it more than makes up for in diversity. A multicultural melting pot, Franklin Pierce School District is ranked the 13th most diverse of the state’s 236 districts, according to Niche. That mix of people from all walks of life is just another foundational element of the community’s complex identity. “I have been extremely fortunate to have grown up in an area where I was able to learn about a variety of cultures, appreciate different perspectives and see the beauty of Mount Rainier
Sources: Christopher D. Roy. “The Art of Burkina Faso.” The University of Iowa. Art and Life in Africa. Christopher D. Roy. Mossi.
, instead going down from the eyes, with two protrusions located at the temples. These ridges are painted red, with triangular patterns decorating the mask. The domed top has semicircular ears. Bands of color encircle the crown of the head. The back right portion is damaged and held together by a metal staple. The holes on the side are for the securing of a fitted cap or cowl of fibers that hides the wearer’s identity. The bigger hole in the cheek is likely used for the inserting of a stick for the
Are you brave or are you insane for coming out at a Lutheran university in the 90s… or are you just doing the right thing? Beth Kraig (full oral history interviews part one, part two, and part
that … there were no out faculty or staff.” This meant that the PLU Beth was arriving at was, at best, lukewarm on its views towards queer people; at worst, covertly anti-queer; and PLU’s Lutheran identity played a prominent role in discussions on campus about social justice. How do you assess the risks of coming out at a Christian university with very few (if any) openly queer people? Tom Campbell, Professor emeritus of English, and one the first two openly queer faculty members at PLU. Though
TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 15, 2015)—As Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off across the country on Sept. 15, this year’s observation at Pacific Lutheran University takes on extra emphasis with two new campus-wide components: • the revival of a student organization representing Latino/a and Hispanic students, and…
heritage speakers, designed to affirm and build on the language abilities of students who grew up speaking Spanish but may not have had the opportunity to study it formally. Due to its focus on the inherent relationship between language and identity, and Latino/a experiences in the United States, the course fulfills the “Alternative Perspectives” General Education requirement. The second course in the series, HISP 252, can be applied to a Hispanic Studies major or minor. “It’s a great way to honor the
Lizbett Benge ’11 describes her educational journey as “a long and winding road.” It began with her immersion into foster care and deeply influenced her time at PLU, where she grappled with a set of life experiences few of her peers could understand. Benge felt…
support and friendship. During a semester abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico, the two often Skyped, with Urdangarain providing feedback and guidance on Benge’s capstone project, an analysis of “indigenous feminine identity production” in the context of a local organization, Protección a la Joven de Oaxaca, A.C., that helps indigenous women pursue formal education in the city. For Urdangarain, advising Benge has been “an honor.” She describes her former student as the kind “you never forget because of her
In the summer of 2016, Rev. Jen Rude and her spouse Deb packed their things and drove two thousand miles West on Interstate 90 to a new home and a new call. Six-and-half years later, Rude is no longer PLU’s “new pastor from Chicago.” Now…
. Thinking about how we engage and embrace religious and spiritual diversity. That’s really interesting. How do you differentiate between interfaith and religious and spiritual diversity? Interfaith assumes that someone has a tradition, and then they come together and communicate across religious and perhaps cultural differences. More and more, the reality seems to be that our students don’t have an established religious identity. This work isn’t necessarily about connecting a Buddhist, a Christian, a
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