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  • to reduce risk and prevent patient harm, and protect public health and safety. This policy defines reportable events, and student, faculty, and administrator duty to report infractions based on the principles of just culture, fairness, and accountability in nursing education. Barnsteiner (2011) states that “organizations that have cultures of safety, foster a learning environment and evidence-based care, promote positive working environments for nurses, and are committed to improving the safety

  • The faculty and staff of the PLU School of Nursing function in a spirit of mutual respect in dealing with others in the university community. It is thus incumbent upon all members of the SoN to contribute to a culture of respect everywhere on campus, at all times, and in all SoN activities, through our decisions, actions, and speech. The School of Nursing may remove a student from the clinical setting, classroom, lab, or online learning environment if they exhibit disruptive behavior

  • should note the specific pre-professional mathematics and science requirements. To declare a B.S. in Psychology, contact the department chair ( Course Prerequisites and Grades A grade of C- or higher must have been earned in a course in order for it to qualify as a prerequisite and to apply towards the major. Experiential Learning All Psychology majors are required to take a minimum of two semester hours of PSYC 495, 496 or 497. Capstone Psychology majors are required to complete a

  • faculty and PLU Alumni staff to learn about careers available for graduating students in the U.S. State Department Lead: Brandi Hilliard, Director of Career, Learning & Engagement 4:00 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. – Scandinavian Cultural Center The Value of the Peace Corps Experience: A Panel Presentation Shella Biallas ‘04 Haley Ehlers ‘16 Lucas Gillespie ’16 Sam Rise ‘11, School of Ed Masters ‘12 ( Moderator: Dr. Priscilla St. Clair, Department Chair and Professor of Economics

  • faculty, staff, students, and parents/guardians to report any concern (academic, emotional, physical, social) related to the well-being of a PLU student. SCN will connect with the student of concern and provide resources, support, and assistance as appropriate. SCN will work with campus partners to support a culture of care and response for all community members. SCN will focus on creating a healthy and safe learning environment for all students on the PLU campus, both on an individual level and at

  • educational practices, and build collaborative exchanges among individuals, schools, and educational organizations. Pacific Lutheran University seeks proposals from Namibian educators who want to further grow connections with U.S. educators as a way of building cultural exchanges, and fostering collaboration and collegial practices focused on improving instructional practice and student learning. In July, six selected participants will host U.S. PLU Alumni teachers for two weeks in Namibian classrooms

  • submit a Summer Sessions Registration Request form as non-matriculated students do, but not a regular application for admission. Call 253-535-7063 with any questions. Blended and Online LearningWhat is a blended course like at PLU?Blended courses utilize face-to-face and online learning options in a carefully designed mix of both.  The specific format of each blended course will depend on the learning objectives and style of the instructor.  Typically, a blended course includes significant online

  • After his first sabbatical became a great learning experience in 2006, Professor of Music Svend Rønning left campus for the 2015-16 sabbatical with a new mindset — to focus on teaching his specialties to the broader musical community. “I’ve gone on a quest to share my specialties with students and colleagues in a portable way,” Rønning said. “I’m excited about the relationships I’ve built across the nation.” Rønning graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with an undergraduate degree in

  • DIVERSITY, JUSTICE, AND SUSTAINABILITY Diversity, justice and sustainability (DJS) are core values at PLU. At many other universities, you see these three values independent from each other. Here, we see them as interconnected and woven into the fabric of PLU and its students. DJS are intrinsic to the vitality of learning, resilience, and growth. You will find a place of acceptance, open-mindedness, and compassion. No matter your background, faith, gender identity, or orientation, we can

  • microaggressions. Microaggressions are “the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely on their marginalized group status” (Sue, et al., 2007). Ultimately, regardless of origin, bias incidents have the potential to disrupt teaching and learning, a sense of belonging and community, student success, and the overall campus climate at PLU. Citation