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  • December 1, 2012 Dallas Gordon ’14: ‘Kraft and Betty Crocker ain’t got nothing on my dad.’ Gordon checks the step-by-step instructions on the back of her box of Hamburger Helper to make sure she doesn’t overcook her noodles. Gordon moved into a house off campus with her friends this year and has been slowly but surely learning the ropes to cooking on her own. She’s learned live off boxed versions of her favorite foods from home, homemade jambalaya and macaroni and cheese. “I have a lot of boxed

  • December 7, 2012 PLU grad continues to give back to his community and greater Tacoma area By Igor Strupinskiy ’14 President of Korsmo Construction, John Korsmo ’84 is building more than just academic halls. His company, founded by his father, John Korsmo Sr., is focused on sustaining community, both at PLU and in the greater Tacoma area. “We want to be of help where we can,” Korsmo said. John Korsmo (far right) with Martin J. Neeb and their wives, Lisa Korsmo and Barbara Neeb, in front of the

  • bodies, all equally valued, is demonstrated through many individual courses taught across the curriculum and strong support through the Center for Diversity Justice and Sustainability, Campus Ministry, Veterans Affairs, International Education, and Office of Accessibility and Accommodation. Care for the earth is honored through Environmental Studies and through PLU’s commitments to sustainability in buildings, waste management and recycling, composting, and its long time membership in the Association

  • ." Linear Algebra and its Applications Vol. 552, 2018: 85-104. "Building generalized inverses of matrices using only row and column operations." International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology Vol. iFirst, 2010: 1–12. Q. Li, B. Liu and J. Stuart. "Bounds on the k th generalized base of a primitive sign pattern matrix." Linear and Multilinear Algebra Vol. 58, 2010: 355–366. J. Stuart and J. Weaver. "Voting Matrices and Tie Breaking." International Journal of Pure and Applied

  • purposeful. It’s a great feeling to know that many decisions I make have the potential to make a significant impact on a student’s life.   Why is it important for alums to stay connected to PLU and its students?  Alumni have the opportunity to support current students in ways that no one else can. What else do you want people to know about Alumni and Student Connections?  In this day and age, everyone is busy, and it can be hard to prioritize how to spend our time. ASC makes it easy for students and

  • , community members, and visitors from around the globe.” Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education is now in its ninth year, and Nancy Powell continues to work closely with others to plan and host each year’s events. As she puts it, “Let’s continue the momentum by keeping in touch, staying connected, and remembering those whose lives were lost in the past and striving to impact the lives of those shaping our future.”

  • , community members, and visitors from around the globe.” Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education is now in its ninth year, and Nancy Powell continues to work closely with others to plan and host each year’s events. As she puts it, “Let’s continue the momentum by keeping in touch, staying connected, and remembering those whose lives were lost in the past and striving to impact the lives of those shaping our future.”

  • , community members, and visitors from around the globe.” Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education is now in its ninth year, and Nancy Powell continues to work closely with others to plan and host each year’s events. As she puts it, “Let’s continue the momentum by keeping in touch, staying connected, and remembering those whose lives were lost in the past and striving to impact the lives of those shaping our future.”

  • , community members, and visitors from around the globe.” Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education is now in its ninth year, and Nancy Powell continues to work closely with others to plan and host each year’s events. As she puts it, “Let’s continue the momentum by keeping in touch, staying connected, and remembering those whose lives were lost in the past and striving to impact the lives of those shaping our future.”

  • , community members, and visitors from around the globe.” Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education is now in its ninth year, and Nancy Powell continues to work closely with others to plan and host each year’s events. As she puts it, “Let’s continue the momentum by keeping in touch, staying connected, and remembering those whose lives were lost in the past and striving to impact the lives of those shaping our future.”