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  • Lutheran University. This May, Akuien (pronounced “A – Q – En”) will graduate with a double major in communication and political science with minors in conflict resolution and religion. The first years of his life were spent traveling, or rather escaping from the horrors of a civil war in Sudan. “I was born into this chaos right away,” Akuien said. He is one of almost 4,000 “Lost Boys,” who escaped a life of war and faced the fear of the unknown for a chance at a better life in America. “Luckily, I was

  • political season marked by the demonization of racial, religious, and ethnic minorities, this conference focuses on the quest for a just vision of life shared in community. Sponsored by the Department of Religion and Lutheran Studies program. MORE INFORMATION Ruth Anderson Public Debate: A Third-Party Vote is a Wasted Vote Oct. 4 | 7 p.m. | Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts The 4th annual Ruth Anderson Public Debate will feature PLU debaters Mariah Collier ‘17 and Charles “Tate” Adams

  • : Anthropology and Religion, minor in Political Science. Hometown: Helena, Montana. PLU Accomplishments: Peace Scholar, Pinnacle Society member, ASPLU Programs Director, Montana Club President, Campus Ministry Steward, Brian C. Olson Alumni Award, Lute Talks Presenter, Gonyea Fellow, Leadership Board and Tour Guide for Admissions, and Religion Tutor. Favorite PLU memory: “Earlier this spring, the award-winning director Jehane Noujaim came and spoke about her film The Square and the role media play in

  • : That makes a lot of sense. I think it depends on what this question is asking. It’s innovative because of the ways in which we have been taught to think in the systems we’ve built. And the systems are very cleverly hidden by white supremacy. Jen: Exactly. Here’s a great example: A philosophy faculty member gave a talk years ago on whether faucets are racist. He was looking at these automatic faucets that don’t pick up darker skin tones*. So a touchless faucet is an innovation, right? But it’s

  • words.” That’s part of the package at James Sales. Learning should be fun, all the educators agree. It’s not just dry instruction to meet standards. That is part of it, but so much more goes into educating the whole student. They take that concept – “educating the whole student” – very seriously here. After all, they are all there for the same reason: “the kids.” That philosophy is one of engaging students, and that also means fun. It doesn’t seem commonplace for a teacher at James Sales to remain

  • and Marc Bekoff’s Species of Mind: The Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology (MIT 1997). Donald Griffin especially stimulated the emergence of the field in such books as Animal Minds (Chicago 1992) and Animal Thinking (Harvard 1884), arguing that the way to understand animal intelligence was to look not at the stereotypical behaviors of species. Rather, the flexibility, variability, and purposiveness of the individual animal offer insight in animal intelligence. He and other early researchers

  • my own voice as an academic professional; it was here I found mentors that helped me become a leader; and it was here that I could relax a little. Over the years I have also used the Center to hold Philosophy seminars. Some of my most successful and fulfilling classes were held in the Women’s Center, and I attribute much of that to the atmosphere it provides. The houses have changed over the years, but not the spirit of the place. Erin McKenna Faculty at PLU since 1992; former Chair of Women’s

  • methodologies. The contemporary agenda in foreign language teaching has been shaped significantly by historical phenomena such as World War II, shifting business practices and other economic factors, and the political need for intelligence and military data collection. In its broadest form, sexism is inseparable from these historical developments; in practice the issue also manifests itself in explicit and systematic ways. Tamara Williams, Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies and Director of the Wang

  • ambitious, because participation is broad and extensive, the final PLU 2020 report will be taken seriously — and the vision for our future that we together articulate will, I assure you, impact the direction and shape of PLU in the decade ahead. And, if you don’t believe me, I urge you to go back and read our previous reports. PLU 2000 sharpened our understanding of PLU’s Lutheran heritage, lifted our focus on vocation and service and brought clarity to our academic philosophy as a comprehensive

  • graduates are a precious, life changing and transformative force in the world. Let me explain: The first message came on June 26. It brought the crushingly sad news of the death of Army Lt. Brian Bradshaw,a 2007 political science graduate.  Brian was a strong student, an ROTC volunteer and leader, who entered the military, in his own words, “not to win a war but to make the lives of people better.”  Brian was killed when an IED exploded along a roadside in Afghanistan. Brian left behind several essays