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  • Professor Katrina Hay, I teach in the PLU’s physics department, and this is my “Major Minute.” [video: A visual countdown from three flashes on the screen in yellow and black colors. A countdown clock appears on the left side of the screen counting down from 60 seconds after Man claps his hands in the foreground] (graphic blips) Professor Hay: Engineers apply math and science to solve real-world problems. The National Academy of Engineering set 14 21st century challenges for engineers, focusing on

  • Krise Endowed Internship Fund Posted by: Thomas Krise / April 17, 2014 April 17, 2014 By Sandy Deneau DunhamPLU Marketing & CommunicationsAnnouncing the Patricia L. and Thomas W. Krise Endowed Internship Fund. The benefits of a summer internship—even an unpaid one—are unlimited and undeniable: Students can apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real-world situations, network with people in the industry and gain valuable work experience and insight (and sometimes even a job offer). Just

  • educational philosophy, having students really get their hands on real-world problems and actually doing work.” For some, summer is a time for play. For others, it’s a time for work. But for many at Pacific Lutheran University, it’s a time for a little bit of both — through science.The Division of Natural Sciences at PLU offers rigorous opportunities for inquiry and discovery each summer through the Summer Undergraduate Research Program, in which students take their curiosities outside the classroom and

  • of Kirkland’s Lady Yum Macarons & Mischief, is proof that pivoting in your life can pay off in ways far beyond paychecks. Using a series of career moves, Wagstaff stopped the rat race and gave herself a three-year deadline to realize and create a more authentic career. The result? Sweet success. “They say you never know who you are until you face real adversity. I was 28 when I had my first ‘aha’ moment,” Wagstaff said. “It was like a convergence of all these new concepts I had been learning

  • Megan (Baylous) Wagstaff ’03, founder of Kirkland’s Lady Yum Macarons & Mischief, is proof that pivoting in your life can pay off in ways far beyond paychecks. Using a series of career moves, Wagstaff stopped the rat race and gave herself a three-year deadline to realize and create a more authentic career. The result? Sweet success. “They say you never know who you are until you face real adversity. I was 28 when I had my first ‘aha’ moment,” Wagstaff said. “It was like a convergence of all these

  • .” The minor embraces creativity and big ideas while leaning into skill-building, providing a toolbox for students to delve into once they’ve completed their education and started looking for jobs. Those real-world skills include cross-discipline teamwork, problem-solving, hands-on learning, maximizing strengths and limiting weaknesses. A signature feature of the new minor is the Makerspace, a dedicated area in Hinderlie Hall that allows people to gather, collaborate and stretch their creativity

  • . Census data that show Latinos represent 17 percent of the population at 55.4 million people. It’s estimated that representation is going to grow significantly in the next several decades. She noted that Latinos and other people of color are expected to account for 56 percent of the population by 2060. Despite these numbers, representation of the Latino population still significantly lags: 0 Nation's Lawyers 0 Scientists and engineers 0 Practicing medical doctors 0 Full-time faculty members at degree

  • , they would politely excuse themselves and troll for business capital elsewhere. The look of disappointment that I wasn’t a judge was plain on Austin Vu’s face. But he was polite and took time, once he realized potential venture capitalists were all tied up at the moment, to explain his product and his company. Formally known at “Company J,” it was selling a universal technology to link remotes, mp3 players and cell phones. The Inglemoor High School junior explained his business and what he hoped to

  • Pacific Lutheran University. From serving as ASPLU president her junior year, to spending a semester in Trinidad and Tobago, to using film as a catalyst for change, Chan has spent her time at PLU highlighting the experiences of her community members—especially those who haven’t traditionally held a seat at the table. Notably, Chan has spent several seasons working with Hmong flower farmers in Seattle as part of her PLU journey, complementing her double major in communication and gender, sexuality, and

  • , too). Nicole Query, ’22, meets with History Chair Beth Kraig to declare a major in History. CAPP reports are helpful.  But there is no substitute for talking with a real person who can help you check that CAPP report and plan your academic future. So, we will connect you with a professor in the History Department who will guide you along the path to your degree. Your faculty advisor will reach out to you each semester for a conversation during  “Advising Weeks.”  That’s the perfect time to choose