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  • Confidential Resources because of their licensure, all faculty, staff, administration, Resident Assistants, and Campus Safety student employees are considered “Responsible Employees”, also referred to Mandatory Reporters, for all incidents related to Prohibited Conduct. They are required to file a report when they have knowledge of, or have received information alleging potential Prohibited Conduct.  There is no time limit on making a complaint, but prompt reporting is encouraged in order to provide

  • undergraduate program in the PLU Education Department since 2003. With expertise in the areas of curriculum and instruction, Dr. Weiss works closely with students in the field. She also collaborates with the Clover Park School district planning, facilitating and teaching their Mentor College and beginning teacher program. Dr. Weiss also works with teachers in a local alternative high school as a facilitator for a Positive Behavior Support grant from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Dr

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    Area of Emphasis/Expertise
  • behavior. History majors also develop the skills needed to work collaboratively, organize and deliver oral presentations on historical subjects, and produce substantial research papers that demonstrate the student’s competency in historical research and written expression. What can you do after PLU? History graduates prepare for active citizenship and a variety of career opportunities, including library and information sciences, research, jobs in technology, government service, journalism, law

  • 2018 Physics Capstone SymposiumJoin the Physics Department to hear the senior capstone presentations. Student presentations will take place Friday May 11, 2018. Talks are scheduled in Morken 132. Computational Modeling 3:00 Ashley Clendenen, “Exploring the Behavior of Two Dimensional Oscillators” 3:15 Carl Sanderson, “A traffic flow model and perturbations caused by driver behavioral changes”   Optics 3:30 Carly Stauffer, “Detective Mode: A Sweeping Investigation of the Helium-Neon Laser” 3:45

  • Behavior November 12, 2021 Dr. Laura Shneidman awarded research grant from Templeton Foundation November 24, 2020 Enrico Jones Award in Psychotherapy & Clinical Psychology November 6, 2020

  • Behavior November 12, 2021 Dr. Laura Shneidman awarded research grant from Templeton Foundation November 24, 2020 Enrico Jones Award in Psychotherapy & Clinical Psychology November 6, 2020

  • sustainability, health, and security. Engineers make a real impact, they’re in high demand globally, and they earn great pay. Dual degree engineering students at PLU take three years of math and science courses before transferring to an engineering school where they will finish, after two more years, with two degrees, one from PLU and one in engineering. PLU trains our students in reasoning, writing, global perspectives, and communications, making our students well-rounded and appealing to employers. With

  • women in the U.S. may be misinterpreted in other countries. For example, how does religion play a role in how women are expected to dress? Can smiling or making direct eye contact with strangers imply something more than just a friendly gesture? If men stare and catcall while you walk down the street, how do you react? Sometimes, what is considered “acceptable behavior” for women in the U.S. has sexual connotations in other cultures, so it’s important to talk with other women who have been to your

  • Online EDUC 974Y Access Content for ELL (5025) 3 Continuing Education Online EDUC 974F Academics for Eng Learn (5068) 3 Continuing Education Online EDUC 974H Coding: Consumer/Creator (804) 1 Continuing Education Online EDUC 975A Neurodiversity (5855) 3 Continuing Education Online EDUC 975C Project Based Learning (5856) 3 Continuing Education Online EDUC 975F Moving Math (5854) 3 Continuing Education Online EDUC 975M Building Peace (5006) 3 Continuing Education Online EDUC 975N Trauma Sensitive Teach

  • unwelcome when the guest has violated a regulation, code, or rule. Guest behavior that violates a PLU campus policy may result in separation from all university grounds, facilities and services. Severe and/or repeated behavior may result in a designation of Restricted From Campus (RFC). Persons who are designated as Restricted From Campus are not allowed to be guests on campus or attend PLU off-campus events. ConfidentialityEmployers are expected to maintain the confidentiality of all student and alumni