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  • undergone renovations and places like the UC Mezzanine have been outfitted to better serve students.  Anderson acknowledged that many are change adverse, “given our conservative tendencies and governance structures, universities are particularly so,” he said. But he said he was confident the PLU community will embrace the new ideas and programs with self-confidence and trust.”When I think about tackling the issues we faced,” Anderson said, “I am reminded of one my uncle Carl’s favorite scriptural

  • reading, scholarly thesis-driven research and writing, and effective oral presentation. Student Learning Outcomes in General EducationReligion Courses SkillsSpring 2012SkillsStudents in lower-division Religion courses should accomplish: Basic reading: accurate reporting on texts, beginning to identify an author’s assumptions and the structures of arguments Basic writing: writing a short paper (5-7 pages) for clear expression and understanding in lower division courses; command of basic grammar

  • canoes to more than 100 this year, Hall said. “It’s medicine for people. Our tribal communities have experienced lots of trauma,” she said. “This event brings a lot of healing.” In potlatch tradition, canoe journey hosts provide lodging, food and other accommodations for tribes that travel from as far north as Alaska. They also provide massive tent structures for protocol, the ceremonial sharing of songs, dances and stories with the participating communities. “It’s a huge honor and investment to host

  • teachers of Chinese have completed the teacher preparation program led by Betty Lau in Seattle Public Schools, funded by STARTALK. I was one of the first Chinese teachers to get my teacher certification and Chinese language endorsement through this program. Expansion of Chinese Language Programs in public high schools 2004 – 2012 Based on data from the Mapping & Enhancing Language Learning (MELL) Surveys in 2004, 2007, 2009, and data from the OSPI Student Enrollment database (CEDARS) in spring 2012, we

  • student experience through better student services and programming, as well as capital improvements, she said. “The university is committed to asking for and listening to student opinion and to providing the best PLU experience we can,” Majovski said. The most recent survey responses were compared to data gathered during the 2008-09 and 2006-05 academic years, as well as data gathered nationally from 400 four-year private institutions. PLU students rated 10 categories above the national average

  • Academic integrity is honesty concerning all aspects of academic performance including clinical performance. Academic integrity in the classroom is defined in the PLU Student Rights and Responsibilities. Academic dishonesty in the clinical setting include, but are not limited to: Plagiarizing clinical assignments, including care plans, drug reviews, falsifying data in a patient’s record, or other required work, Submitting work written by others as one’s own work, Unauthorized collaboration with

  • autonomous systems in security applications has become paramount. “The Security Car” represents an innovative approach to security and mapping, leveraging fundamental tools for autonomous navigation and data collection. This capstone project presents an autonomous RC car equipped with Lidar sensors for precise environmental mapping and obstacle detection, integrated with ROS (Robot Operating System) for robust control and sensor data management. As the vehicle navigates its environment, it employs

  • challenges unique to the sector such as HRM strategies and accountability mechanisms, working with volunteers, fundraising, ethics, and legal issues. BUSA 358: Entrepreneurship– Intensive study of issues and challenges associated with start-up, growth, and maturation of a new enterprise. COMA 361: Strategic Communication- Introduces the theories, methods, and practice of public relations. Emphasizes technical and analytical skills. DATA 133: Introduction to Computational and Data Science– Introduction to

  • rewarding is bringing his students alongside and sharing with them the value of hard work, hands-on learning and timely scholarship. “One of my goals at PLU is to promote early engagement of undergraduate students – especially for women and underrepresented students – in machine learning, bioinformatics, and the data science field,” he says. “I want to inspire students to pursue advanced STEM education and research careers.”  Cao explains: “Not only is research interesting for the students, I think it’s

  • University of Washington Molecular Engineering Materials Center (UW MEM-C) Summer 2024 REU program Posted by: alemanem / February 7, 2024 February 7, 2024 Students will be embedded in one of the UW MEM-C labs for 9 weeks. They will work with a graduate student and faculty member to develop a research project, gain training in relevant techniques and instrumentation, collect data and finally produce a poster and research abstract. Students participate in a weekly seminar on undergraduate