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  • teacher and a member of an R&B singing group. Her poetic writing centers on Black empowerment, resilience, history, and joy. In an Essence interview, Tami explains, “I want to express who we are as people – our complexities and our greatness by telling stories and writing poetry that reflect not just our pain but our joy and everything in between. We are resilient people – we come from kings and queens, builders of kingdoms – I want to show our royalty and excellence in everything that I write

  • Articles K. Hay and Z. Wiren. "Do-It-Yourself Low Cost Desktop Lightboard for Engaging Flipped Learning Videos." The Physics Teacher Vol. 57, 2019: 8. K. Hay. "Teaching the Physics of Energy while Traveling by Train." The Physics Teacher Vol. 51, February 2013: M . Hubbard and K. Hay. "How Tongue Size and Roughness Affect Lapping." Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics Vol. 16, 2013: "560 multiple choice questions with answer-specific feedback (Online Quizzes) (Scholarship of Teaching) requested

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  • 2012) Selected Articles K. Hay and Z. Wiren. "Do-It-Yourself Low Cost Desktop Lightboard for Engaging Flipped Learning Videos." The Physics Teacher Vol. 57, 2019: 8. K. Hay. "Teaching the Physics of Energy while Traveling by Train." The Physics Teacher Vol. 51, February 2013: M . Hubbard and K. Hay. "How Tongue Size and Roughness Affect Lapping." Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics Vol. 16, 2013: "560 multiple choice questions with answer-specific feedback (Online Quizzes) (Scholarship of

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  • Interpretation Attaway Lutes Welcome Note Setting The Course On Campus Discovery Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Homecoming 2016 Connection Events Lute Recruit Alumni Profiles Class Notes Family and Friends Mike Benson Submit a Class Note Calendar Highlights National High School Hall of Fame Alumni Profiles / January 20, 2015 PLU President Thomas W. Krise, right, presents Mike Burton ’69 with the 2014 Distinguished Alumnus Award. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) Teacher/Coach/Award

  • whom it is the right fit, with campus-based counselors. Also, yoga and meditation are available to students, faculty and staff via Lute Telehealth. We also have our new referral service, ThrivingCampus and health coaching with opportunities to meet with nutritionists. Finally, there is preventative and proactive care where PLU counselors go out into the community and classroom to teach skills for managing health and well-being. And an ecological model of wellness that embeds wellness education

  • includes working for the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in Olympia and working for various teacher education programs. She earned her Ph.D. in Education from Seattle Pacific University in 2015. Mary Jo currently serves as President of the Washington Association for Colleges of Teacher Education.

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    Tu & Th: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Fri: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Area of Emphasis/Expertise
  • Spring 2015 Research TeamVirginia Allred ‘17 (Psychology & Geology) Kelsey Barnes ‘16 (Anthropology & Art History) Michael Diambri ‘18 (History) Rachel Friedland ‘18  (Undeclared) Madeline Marello ‘18 (Psychology) Brock Martin ‘18 (Environmental Studies)Adrian Mayoral ‘15 (History) Emma McCain ‘17 (Anthropology) Savannah Phelan ‘15 (Anthropology & Religion) Shaun Spurlock ‘15 (Religion) Carli Snyder ‘16 (History & Women’s and Gender Studies)Michaella Thompson ‘16 (History & Anthropology

  • The PLU 2015 - 2016 Wind EnsembleFlute Paige Balut Kelli Bower Meagan Gaskill+ Mary Jostin Katherine Nakasone Torsen Necessary+ Oboe/English Horn Marissa Dallaire Gretchen Johnson Lydia Robinson* Bassoon Megan Cummings* Avery Floyd TJ Mallos Clarinet Daniel Aliment Lyndi Knox (Spring) Ian Lindhartsen Tim Loescher Ingrid Smith* Dru Wickenkamp Bass Clarinet Grant Benson Contra Bass Clarinet Abigail SheddAlto Saxophone Austin Baduria* Deborah Schmidt Will Radford (Spring) Gabe Johnson (Spring

  • things for my costumes because I had four of them for this production,” she said. “I met my voice teacher, and he warmed me up. Then I met with the maestro, Roberto Abbbado, at 6 p.m. and sang through a couple of things for him. Then I had a little dinner, got into my costume and went out on stage at 7:30 p.m. It was the most amazing evening of my life. “I just couldn’t believe this was happening,” she said. “I had to pinch myself several times that day.” Meade had worked hard to get to this point

  • Sunny, Fuzzy, Pre-Finals Friends Posted by: Sandy Dunham / December 9, 2014 December 9, 2014 PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 8, 2014)—To spread cheer and relieve stress before Finals Week, Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran University and the PLU Counseling Center partnered with volunteer organizations, including Therapy Dogs International, to bring certified therapy animals to campus on Dec. 12. The therapy-pet program was a huge hit, with unconditionally loving puppies