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  • perceive as possible … we as journalists can magnify a dream.” Noujaim’s afternoon concluded with a conversation with students in a Women’s and Gender Studies course, where she discussed how she chooses the subjects of her films, her multicultural identity, the pace of systemic progress and even parenthood (at the time of her visit, Noujaim was six months’ pregnant, and she talked jubilantly throughout the day about her unborn child). It doesn’t take an entire nation to change the destination of a

  • : followed by the specific title designated by the academic unit. (1 to 4) ARTD 490 : Gender and Art - CX Studies the effects of race and class on the construction of femininity and masculinity in art and visual culture in the United States and in Europe, with an emphasis on 19th and 20th century modernism. May not be repeated for credit. (4) ARTD 491 : Independent Studies: Special Projects Exploration of the possibilities of selected studio areas, including experimental techniques. Emphasis on

  • " is a term often used but rarely defined in environmental studies. This project explores critical animal studies literature to construct pedagogical themes in how to raise attentiveness towards multispecies worlds in the context of bird-watching practices. Olivia PetersenGlobal and Cultural Studies and Gender, Sexuality, and Race StudiesA Culture of Peace: Likhet, Genocide, and Affective Economies in Norway Faculty Mentor: Rebecca Wilkin, Global and Cultural Studies This research project pulls

  • Upcoming Events view images descriptions print Select which month(s) you would like to print: Close

  • , with other readings branching out from this seed text. Students will encounter texts from a variety of historical and geographic contexts, exploring how literary form and genre develop over time and within specific communities. Organizing themes may include: Race and Empire, Nature and the Human, Language and Power, and Gender and Sexuality. Required for all English major and strongly recommended for first-years. (4) ENGL 287 : Special Topics in English To provide undergraduate students with new

  • , Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals (Avon 1975; 2nd ed. 1990), Peter Singer gave a new academic respectability to animal issues and stimulated a renewed vigor in social-action campaigns on behalf of animals. He also explicitly linked animals with other social liberation movements. These other movements are now well established in universities with vigorous multi-disciplinary programs in gender studies, ethnic studies, and so forth. Not so animals. As far as I know, there is

  • curriculum Desire academic and personal challenges Communicate clearly Exhibit leadership and service in their community, church or school Will share unique or special talents Each application is reviewed based on grade point average, transcript patterns and personal essay, as well as commitment and leadership as showcased in the activity section of the Common App. Applications for admission are evaluated without regard to race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation

  • , including providing period products in all public bathrooms and organizing more Spanish-first speaking engagements and spaces.Study away pulls it all togetherAsh’s journey through self-discovery at PLU included a switch in minors. Although she was originally minoring in chemistry, she switched to gender, sexuality, and race studies (GSRS) after the introductory class captured her attention. “I was able to look at the world in new ways, and it really fascinated me,” says Ash. “It was definitely a class

  • Available for Cornerstones Hispanic Studies History Holocaust & Genocide Studies Philosophy Religion Women's & Gender Studies

  • Favorites: Spending time with family and keeping up with TV shows like the Big Bang Theory with her older brother What PLU Has Been for MeMy experience at PLU has been wonderfully unbelievable, to say the least. I came to PLU intending to pursue a degree in psychology, but during my first semester, I took a cultural anthropology course and my vocational path immediately changed. In my cultural anthropology course, we read an article about the gender pay gap in America. The article attributed the pay gap