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  • . It is an identity molded from without. If transposed to the educational front, one might construe professional education in a parallel fashion, as the imbuing of factual knowledge and skills requisite for a career within a particular professional group. In this sense, an English course that might be based upon learning and using the bibliographic guidelines of the Modern Language Association would have a professional orientation. And a language course designed primarily to prepare students for

  • tool for risk decision-making and management of business organizations from formation through capital raising, asset acquisition and protection, business regulation, and bankruptcy. Explore the interrelationship of business management, business ethics, legal risk management, and the global business environment

  • (baroque-21st century) and in a minimum of three languages (2 arias maximum may be included); students should display an understanding of foreign language translation, a beginning understanding of stage deportment, and a developing understanding of musical style.  BME 3 art songs in a variety of styles (baroque-21st century) and in a minimum of two languages (1 aria maximum may be included); students should display an understanding of foreign language translation, a beginning understanding of stage

  • By Zoey Mohammady, PLU Mast Media Some say dance is a universal language. At Pacific Lutheran University, that concept is growing further through the opportunities that its Dance minor program offers. The fall 2017 semester marks the 40th anniversary of the program. The Dance minor program and Dance Ensemble were created by Professor Katherine Beckman during the 1976-77 academic year. Near the beginning of its creation, famous dance groups and artists such as the Joffrey Ballet, Bill T. Jones

  • AccountingThe mission of the accounting faculty is to offer a quality baccalaureate accounting program designed to provide students with a solid foundation for developing a wide range of professional careers. What is Accounting? Accounting is often referred to as the “language of business.” Accounting is much more than bookkeeping, which is the mechanical record-keeping associated with economic transactions. Accounting provides the information used in many of the most significant decisions in

  • history are utilized by cultural institutions. Dr. Mathews also hopes her students gain tools to be critical viewers of other kinds of visual information to better help them sift through the images we are inundated with on a daily basis. Dr. Mathews believes study away is important because it gives Lutes the opportunity to live within another culture, even for a short time. She says, “Although we’re going to an English-speaking country, the food, language, etiquette, politics, and more are all quite

  • thinks of her mentees as “like my kids.” She jokes, “I fed them, burped them,” and describes the pride she feels for their success as a “proud mommy moment.” Nicole fondly remembers the Students of Color Retreats she attended as a student for the valuable memories she made, as well as the concepts she learned. “The Students of Color Retreat [is] where I learned about the 5 Stages of Minority Identity Development. That language has stayed with me since 2012, and we use it as alumni to lean on each

  • French/Francophone Literature and FilmThe language of instruction of all French/Francophone literature and film courses is English. No French is required if you enroll in the course at the 200 level. French 301 is the prerequisite for registering at the 400 level. Students enrolling at the 400 level will complete some readings and assignments in French. All of these courses count for the Global Education and Interpreting Texts core General Education elements. French 203/403: Collect, Gather

  • Protocol.” When you have selected “Terminate Protocol,” that then displays a “Date Proposal Closed” field where you should set the date the protocol is formally closed (terminated in our language). Save the form. Documentation and Record KeepingStudents must store signed consent documents and other study materials/data in a way that ensures confidentiality of participants’ information. Consent documents should be kept for 3 years and other materials should be kept for as long as indicated in the

  • closed (terminated in our language). Save the form. Annual Review form Keeping recordsYou must store signed consent documents and other study materials/data in a way that ensures confidentiality of participants’ information. Consent documents should be kept for 3 years and other materials should be kept for as long as you indicated in your proposal. PLU will maintain documentation of HPRB activities. This documentation is kept on file for at least 3 years after completion of the research and includes