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  • Confucius Classrooms Confucius China Studies Program Chinese Language and Culture Classes Questions 10th Anniversary Celebration Keynote Speaker Speakers CIWA Contacts Comments, Questions, and Suggestions Contact Information Confucius Institute of the State of Washington Phone: 253-535-7785 Email: Harstad Hall Offices 114 & 115 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 Additional Programs Global Education at PLU Contact Information Confucius Institute of the State of Washington Phone: 253-535-7785 Email: ciwa

  • Confucius Classrooms Confucius China Studies Program Chinese Language and Culture Classes Questions 10th Anniversary Celebration Keynote Speaker Speakers CIWA Contacts Comments, Questions, and Suggestions Contact Information Confucius Institute of the State of Washington Phone: 253-535-7785 Email: Harstad Hall Offices 114 & 115 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 Additional Programs Global Education at PLU Contact Information Confucius Institute of the State of Washington Phone: 253-535-7785 Email: ciwa

  • dCenter offered me the best opportunity to expand my worldview without even leaving the state.” In her time at the Diversity Center, Hill worked on many projects. One of her favorites was challenging microaggressions against people of color. My Language My Choice took pictures of PLU students ripping up signs depicting common microaggressions. Ashely chose the phrase “What are you?” The phrase hit home for her because it was something she had heard many times before. Ashely took a specific liking to

  • , Pacific Lutheran University, 1998 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Greater Caribbean and Central American Studies Latinx Studies Spanish as a Heritage Language Selected Publications “Espectros y daños colaterales: memorias mediáticas de la Invasión norteamericana de Panamá.” A contracorriente: Revista de Historia Social y Literatura en América Latina (NC State University), Special Edition, The Performance of Archives: Re-imagining Memory and History in Latin America, Vol 12, No 1 Fall 2014: pages 30-53

  • , Pacific Lutheran University, 1998 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Greater Caribbean and Central American Studies Latinx Studies Spanish as a Heritage Language Selected Publications “Espectros y daños colaterales: memorias mediáticas de la Invasión norteamericana de Panamá.” A contracorriente: Revista de Historia Social y Literatura en América Latina (NC State University), Special Edition, The Performance of Archives: Re-imagining Memory and History in Latin America, Vol 12, No 1 Fall 2014: pages 30-53

  • menu, select “Terminate Protocol.” When you have selected “Terminate Protocol,” that then displays a “Date Proposal Closed” field where you should set the date the protocol is formally closed (terminated in our language). Save the form. Keeping RecordsYou must store signed consent documents and other study materials/data in a way that ensures confidentiality of participants’ information. Consent documents should be kept for 3 years and other materials should be kept for as long as you indicated in

  • . Students may turn in Reduced Course Load Authorization Form if they are facing any of the following reasons to be considered part-time: Illness or Medical Condition. Initial Difficulties with English Language (first semester only) Initial Difficulties with Reading Requirement (first semester only) Unfamiliarity with American Teaching Methods (first semester only) Improper Course Level Placement Concurrent Enrollment To Complete Course of Study in Current Term (graduating students only) Report change of

  • lawyer AILA’s Immigration Lawyer Search: Search by location, language spoken, etc. Tacoma-Pierce County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service: Find legal help in Tacoma/Pierce County for a small consultation fee King County Bar Association (KCBA) Lawyer Referral Service: Find legal help in King County for a small consultation fee

  • studies, language translators, and dosage calculators. Some apps go as far as to integrate voice recognition and camera functions to make them even more useful.”What related tool or strategy do you use that other PLU faculty might like to try in their courses?“One of our class assignments asks students to explore some of the literally hundreds of nursing software apps available and critique them for usability and usefulness. Students consider the nursing activities they see and do in their clinical

  • 4. Learning and research within communityLutheran education is indelibly marked by a love of liberal and collegial learning. It was, in fact, a group of Wittenberg scholars – working together – who launched the reform of education, ethics, language study, marriage, music, social welfare, and theology – to mention only a few. Such reform began with the serious questioning of the status quo, a questioning which led the authorities of church and state to brand Luther as a heretic and a criminal