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  • their contact information. A link to the separate form should appear at the end of your main survey so that participants do not enter their contact information in the survey, and contact information cannot be connected to their data. (Also see “Payments to Subjects” below)Minority populationsThe benefits and burdens of research should be distributed fairly within society and investigators should always seek racial, gender, and other forms of equity in the recruitment of participants. The specific

  • acting provost. She collaborates with, supports and advises the President’s Council and Acting President Allan Belton on strategic planning for the academic division, including advising on new academic initiatives, faculty affairs, and advancing the academic mission and intellectual positioning of PLU. As a faculty member, Gregson has taught and conducted research in the areas of deviance, gender and qualitative research methods. Christian Caple Christian Caple is an award-winning, Tacoma-based

  • the link between human health and time spent in the outdoors. I will show how it could be connected to identity with help from the disciplines of Anthropology and Women’s and Gender Studies. I utilize theories of intersectionality, critical race theory, and feminist anthropology to better understand the United States’s outdoor culture and how it distinguishes who is and isn’t allowed to be considered normal for existing in that space. I go over various health benefits provided by the environment

  • , thoughtfully reevaluate how each of us conceives of those around us. 17 Judith Butler, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (Abingdon: Routledge, 2006).ConclusionThe issue at hand is not all ways of constructing logic. It is not even all math, though I hope no one tells my last math professor this. The issue is assigning value based on a total view of logic. Logic becomes violent when we assume that there is only one possible logic, that it properly assigns value to all things in its

  • , thoughtfully reevaluate how each of us conceives of those around us. 17 Judith Butler, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (Abingdon: Routledge, 2006).ConclusionThe issue at hand is not all ways of constructing logic. It is not even all math, though I hope no one tells my last math professor this. The issue is assigning value based on a total view of logic. Logic becomes violent when we assume that there is only one possible logic, that it properly assigns value to all things in its

  • of coal plants. “That’s not by accident, but due to racism in America,” he says. Addressing that racism while cleaning and improving the environment is what centers Andrew’s work—even as horror, tragedy and grief are involved, too. Being rooted in community and sense of purpose helps him see beyond the immediacy of the 30-year-window for change.PLU Department of Sociology & Criminal JusticeWhether we are studying families, policing, gender, or deviance, the Department of Sociology and Criminal

  • Berg ’18 Rhiannon graduates from PLU in May 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in communication and minors in Hispanic studies and women’s and gender studies. While at PLU, she discovered storytelling was her vocation, serving as a leader for two award-winning student media organizations, Mast Media and MediaLab. In her time away from PLU, she interned for both The Olympian and Alaska Airlines and spent a semester studying away in Granada, Spain. When she’s not traveling, Rhiannon can be found reading

  • , in my mind, I see the connections to the larger picture of oppression so I am more willing to address them and not be a bystander. Since studying the Holocaust at PLU and participating in the Powell Heller Holocaust Education Conference, I enrolled at Clark Atlanta University, where I am completing an MA in Criminal Justice.  I’m particularly passionate about power-based violence, especially sexual violence, and will be applying to PhD programs in women’s and gender studies so I can not only add

  • , in my mind, I see the connections to the larger picture of oppression so I am more willing to address them and not be a bystander. Since studying the Holocaust at PLU and participating in the Powell Heller Holocaust Education Conference, I enrolled at Clark Atlanta University, where I am completing an MA in Criminal Justice.  I’m particularly passionate about power-based violence, especially sexual violence, and will be applying to PhD programs in women’s and gender studies so I can not only add

  • , in my mind, I see the connections to the larger picture of oppression so I am more willing to address them and not be a bystander. Since studying the Holocaust at PLU and participating in the Powell Heller Holocaust Education Conference, I enrolled at Clark Atlanta University, where I am completing an MA in Criminal Justice.  I’m particularly passionate about power-based violence, especially sexual violence, and will be applying to PhD programs in women’s and gender studies so I can not only add