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  • Medical Care | 医疗保健On-Campus | 校园內The PLU Health Center offers primary health care to PLU students (regardless of insurance), including illness and injury care and physicals. Services include filling prescriptions, management of acute illnesses and injuries like colds and muscle injuries, evaluating and managing chronic illnesses like asthma, immunizations, gender-specific health care, physical examinations, sexual health services and emergency contraception, and care for emotional and mental

  • important to make sure that you understand PLU’s policies on sexual misconduct and how to get permission from others. If you have any questions, you can ask the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, the Center for Gender Equity, or your ABC Program staff. Smoking is legal in the US but it is illegal in many places to smoke inside bars, restaurants, stores, etc. Also, PLU is a smoke-free campus. 请注意与中国法律不同的法律: 在美国,合法饮酒年龄为21岁 未经他人许可(配偶,伴侣或陌生人)的性互动(言语或身体)被称为性行为不端(性骚扰),美国的法律比中国的法律更加严格。 美国认识到任何人都可以犯

  • without Consent (as PLU defines it in this policy) and/or by force, intimidation, coercion or manipulation. As defined by PLU, the term Sexual Misconduct includes Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse, Non-Consensual Sexual Contact, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation, and Sexual Intimidation. Sexual Misconduct can be committed by a person upon another regardless of gender, and it can occur between people of the same or different sex. It can occur between strangers or acquaintances, including people

  • students along the gender/sexual identity spectrum and their intersections. This course supports students in creating equitable and rich school and district cultures where staff, students, and members of the wider school community are engaged and work together to create a dynamic, inclusive learning environment. (3) EDUC 762 : Educational Leadership: Systems Leadership The goal of this course is to expand the students' understanding of systems thinking (a) the role of the leader in evaluating systems

  • movements advocating for equality in terms of race and gender to discussions about police brutality and political leaders. Nonetheless, the extent to which sports can contribute to the environmental cause is yet to be fully established. One promising, widespread way in which sports–and more specifically, sports teams—can more intentionally contribute to the environmental movement is through relationships with local Indigenous groups. Using principles of Social Psychology and Native American Indigenous

  • or PhD to pursue youth advocacy and justice work in education Born in Nairobi, Kenya to a family of asylum-seekers from Mogadishu, Somalia, Aziza Ahmed moved to the US at five, and came to PLU from Auburn’s Mountainview High, with an associate’s degree in gender studies from Green River College already under her belt. A committed activist, Ahmed served as the founding Interfaith Coordinator at Campus Ministry, worked at the Center for Student Success, and was part of “the collective,” an

  • believe that there’s a point to this and that brings me joy and happiness.ROOTED IN RELATIONSHIPAngie: What about you, Maya? Did you have an “Aha”? Maya: I think it was less of a moment than it was just you-all and the Diversity Center, mentorship, the Center for Gender Equity, staff and faculty who were supporting students and building community… I think all my “Aha” moments had to do with community. I have less recall about what I was reading in classes and was more inspired by the relationships

  • & Staff Across PLU! Harstad Women Empowerment & Gender Equity Social Mixer! Snacks: charcuterie board and fruit & lemonadeFriday, 9/16/223:00PM-4:30PMHarstad 1st floor lounge Block Party (Featuring Rock the Vote & Engagement Fair) Join Residence Hall Association (RHA) and Associated Students of PLU (ASPLU; PLU's Student Government) for an epic block party event featuring music & dancing, registering to vote, and meeting/mingling with PLU & Parkland clubs and organizations! Friday, 9/16/224:00PM-8

  • , 2023Jennifer Lindsay, Ph.D."Page by Page: Exploring How Gender Representation in Children’s Books Affects Cognition"Pacific Lutheran University 2022-2023 Colloquium Speakers DateSpeaker NameTitleAffiliation May 5, 2023Regan Gurung, Ph.D."According to the Evidence: What Psych Science suggests for Effective Teaching and Learning"Oregon State University April 21, 2023Heidi McLaughlin, Ph.D.”I Can See the Germs!” Insights into Children’s Contamination Sensitivity and Biological KnowledgePacific Lutheran

  • Down to Size LATEST POSTS Gaps and Gifts May 26, 2022 Academic Animals: Making Nonhuman Creatures Matter in Universities May 26, 2022 Gendered Tongues: Issues of Gender in the Foreign Language Classroom May 26, 2022 Introduction May 26, 2022