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Marriage & Family Therapy Curator: Magdalena Stickel, PLU CGE Confidential Advocate On Exhibit: Resources about Acknowledging and Respecting Indigenous Languages and Land This exhibit highlights resources for exploring the south Puget Sound indigenous Salish family of languages, including Twulshootseed. As the PLU land acknowledgement notes, “PLU is on the traditional lands of the Nisqually, Puyallup, Squaxin Island and Steilacoom peoples; we acknowledge and respect the traditional caretakers of this
States,” Davidson said. Students in the cohorts claim a variety of backgrounds — with families from countries all over Central and South America, for example — and their majors are as diverse as they are: biology, education, philosophy, social work, kinesiology, and more. But Davidson said their shared experiences are key to creating the sense of community, a primary factor that has contributed to the cohorts’ near-perfect retention rate, despite the challenges first-generation students of color
. She started in June 2014 and finished in November that year, hiking from the Oregon-California border north to Canada then driving south to hike through California to Mexico. She spent four nights total in hotels; the rest of the nights were spent camping under the stars. She and her high school friend walked every day in the same clothes. “We stunk pretty bad,” Ballinger said, laughing. Pacific Crest TrailPhoto courtesy of Alexis Ballinger ’12 Pacific Crest TrailPhoto courtesy of Elise (Boldt
been faculty at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, jointly appointed to the faculty of Medicine and Medical Informatics at Dalhousie University in Halifax Nova Scotia, and served as faculty of biostatistics at the University of South Florida College of Public Health. He retired from Dalhousie University in 2015. In the 1990s Dr. Graven served as Chief Information Officer and Chief Medical Officer of a physician network management corporation, serving ~5,000 providers and ~10 million
regular scenic drive from South Seattle, a route along the lake that helped her young children gently doze off so she could quickly snag a book and indulge in new poems. It’s where her husband and children have gone each year before Christmas to find Mom the perfect gift. And it’s the only place where she has long sated her deep love for poems and bookstores, simultaneously. So, when she learned that the owners were set to sell the poetry-only shop they started two decades earlier, Swift’s reaction
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