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  • alum, the Nate Schoening Center for Student Success opened earlier this year on the first floor of Mortvedt library. I encourage you to visit newly renovated spaces for academic assistance and academic advising, the digital design lab and technology help desk – or take it easy in the bright and comfortable student gathering spaces. I’m also happy to report publicly that four donor families have made especially significant gifts to student scholarships in the last two years. These gifts will now

  • use the permalink to get you back to the article. Article information: This section provides additional information about the article. Each EBSCO database will have different types of information. Pay attention to the ‘Subjects’ categories to identify similar articles about the same topic. Using JSTORJSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. JSTOR contains information from a number of disciplines, but it is most useful when doing research on the following

  • School of Nursing at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. She is Assistant Vice President for Institutional Assessment and Enhancement in the UTHealth Office of Academic and Research Affairs. She also is a Faculty Associate in the McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics at the UTHealth McGovern Medical School. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Center for Medicine after the Holocaust. Conference ScheduleDr. Rozmus’ research interests include health behavior

  • —and at least four of those seven medieval liberal arts are what we would now call scientific. We have a popular misunderstanding in the United States that the liberal arts subjects are only the humanities and social sciences, and even some universities establish structures that suggest that the liberal arts do not include the sciences. So, we need to emphasize to potential students and others that a liberally educated person must know the sciences and be able to think scientifically to solve

  • . “It fits really well with project-based learning. Children can learn so many different skills.” Seeing the cutting-edge infusion of technology in education helps PLU students think about new ways to incorporate STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) into learning, he added. Additionally, Reisberg said makerspaces such as FabLab help address the digital divide that often exists between socioeconomic groups. “There are people who have access to all kinds of technology, and there are

  • received her Ph.D. from the University of Kansas. Her research focuses on the SS Aufseherinnen in the concentration camp system and the gendered perpetration of the Holocaust. Her research has been supported by grants from the University of Kansas and the Universität Hamburg. She has presented and national and international conferences. Cline has been an instructor in KU’s Humanities Program and their Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department, and has also served on the faculties of the Kansas

  • limitations of language in conveying pain. She is currently working with Division of Humanities colleague Dr. Kaufman in a project involving Holocaust survivors and relatives living in Uruguay.COURSE DELIVERY AND SCHEDULING DETAILS This course will use Zoom as its virtual platform for weekly lectures and discussion. Additionally, students taking the course for credit will use SAKAI for accessing course materials and submitting assignments. A Zoom link and a password to the course will be made available to

  • issues of sexual violence, torture, and the limitations of language in conveying pain. She is currently working with Division of Humanities colleague Dr. Kaufman in a project involving Holocaust survivors and relatives living in Uruguay.COURSE DELIVERY AND SCHEDULING DETAILS This course will use Zoom as its virtual platform for weekly lectures and discussion. Additionally, students taking the course for credit will use SAKAI for accessing course materials and submitting assignments. A Zoom link and a

  • 321, ENGL 313. (4) ARTD 320 : Photography 2: Digital Photography - CX An introduction to computer-assisted photography in which students learn applications, develop aesthetic strategies, and engage the ethical issues of this new technology. Emphasis on creative exploration and problem solving within the Macintosh environment. May be taken twice. (4) ARTD 330 : Ceramics 2 Advanced techniques in ceramic construction and experiments in glaze formation. Focus on form and craftsmanship. Prerequisite

  • very different media landscape. She covers arts, cultural affairs and more at Aftenposten, a national newspaper she says is innovating in the world of multimedia journalism. “Aftenposten is leading Europe in making people pay for digital news,” she said. “We have many platforms. We have made a big transition.” And it’s an approach that’s working, counter to the narrative in many newsrooms across America. “We’re managing to get people to subscribe to our digital content,” Bjørhovde said, noting that