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  • Franklin Pierce and Bethel school districts. In addition to academic tutoring, the center also offers language tutoring for English and Spanish language learners. New collaborative programs emerged after the pandemic, like a recurring community meal established by PLU and Trinity Lutheran Church. Sponsored by ELCA’s Congregations Lead Initiative, the monthly meals are held at Trinity, across the street from PLU. About 100 people attend each month. More than two dozen volunteers produce the event, most

  • to the challenges we face as a community and as a country. Some of you may have seen billboards on the highways or posters on campus bulletin boards in the past year that reference the “My Language, My Choice” campaign, which started in PLU’s Diversity Center as a way to call attention to words and expressions that are hurtful to other people.  It started with a poster campaign featuring pictures of students—many of them student-athletes—holding large pieces of paper with a hurtful word or phrase

  • my language skills,” she said. That self exploration informs how Davidson educates her bilingual students, who take the “Spanish for Heritage Speakers” courses she launched at PLU. All of them grew up speaking Spanish at home. “Each family has a different dynamic,” Davidson said. “In some homes, they speak all in Spanish, but in most, you might speak Spanish to grandma, code-switch between English and Spanish with your parents, and speak Spanglish and English with your siblings.” During a recent

  • receive one-on-one career and internship guidance from seasoned alumni in your field of interest. Here are the three programs we’re offering this year: The College of Liberal Studies mentoring program is tailored for students in a diverse range of majors and minors, such as Anthropology, Chinese Studies, Criminal Justice, Economics, English, Gender, Sexuality, & Race Studies, Global Studies, History, Holocaust & Genocide Studies, Language & Literatures, Native American & Indigenous Studies, Philosophy

  • Publishing and Printing Arts program is an especially valuable complement to majors concerned with language and the written word, majors such as English, other languages, education, public relations, journalism, marketing and graphic design. Students majoring in a wide spectrum of disciplines—from biology to music to religion—have also discovered the value of a PPA minor. It helps to connect them to publishing career opportunities in their field, and provides a richer understanding of the complex roles

  • , remember that they do not need to feel professionally produced. Aim for one or two recording attempts and minimal editing. Clear audio, however, is critical for the effectiveness of recordings. Good audio quality is particularly important for those students in your class who may use English as a second language or having a hearing impairment. Test your microphone quality in a short recording and see if an upgrade is warranted. During the PLUTO Institute, we recommend a few low-cost options for making

  • reviewResearch using a wide range of methodologies can fall into this review category, including collection of data: from voice, video, digital, or image recordings made for research purposes; on individual or group characteristics or behavior (e.g., research on perception, cognition, motivation, identity, language, communication, religious or cultural beliefs or practices, and social behavior); from surveys, interviews, oral histories, focus groups, program evaluation, or human factors evaluation; and/or

  • ) Calculus BC4 or 5MATH 151 & 1528Gen Ed (Quantitative Reasoning) Chemistry4 or 5CHEM 100TR4Gen Ed (Natural World) [Speak with PLU's chemistry department chair for possible CHEM 115 credit] Computer Science A4 or 5CSCI 100TR4Gen Ed (Quantitative Reasoning) [CSCI 144 if CSCI 270 is completed with a C or better] Computer Science Principles3, 4 or 5CSCI 100TR4Gen Ed (Quantitative Reasoning) English Language & Composition4 or 5GENR 100TR4Elective English Literature & Composition4 or 5ENGL 100TR4Gen Ed

  • ) Calculus BC4 or 5MATH 151 & 1528Gen Ed (Quantitative Reasoning) Chemistry4 or 5CHEM 100TR4Gen Ed (Natural World) [Speak with PLU's chemistry department chair for possible CHEM 115 credit] Computer Science A4 or 5CSCI 100TR4Gen Ed (Quantitative Reasoning) [CSCI 144 if CSCI 270 is completed with a C or better] Computer Science Principles3, 4 or 5CSCI 100TR4Gen Ed (Quantitative Reasoning) English Language & Composition4 or 5GENR 100TR4Elective English Literature & Composition4 or 5ENGL 100TR4Gen Ed

  • . Fulbright Student Fellowships are Eric Buley, Nicolette Paso and Kelly Ryan. Eric Buley – English Teaching Assistant in Venezuela Kelly Ryan was selected as a Fulbright recipient to conduct research in Macedonia. Buley will be placed in either one of Venezuela’s universities or at a Binational Center (learning centers affiliated with the U.S. Embassy) as an English teaching assistant. There he will lead language learning classes, facilitate conversation groups and present lectures and discussions on U.S