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  • graduate programs Master of Science in Hydrology, University of Arizona Master’s in Geology/Earth Science, Dartmouth College Master of Science in Environmental Policy & Management, University of Denver Master of Science in Global Affairs, NYU School of Professional Studies PhD in Hydrologic Science & Engineering, Colorado School of Mines Masters in Teaching, Washington State University Masters of Education and Environment and Natural Resources, Environmental Education, University of Wyoming Master of

  • and resource management chops on the American West, serving as a National Park Service paleontologist and museum curator at the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in Oregon, and later as a regional paleontologist with the Bureau of Land Management headquartered in Utah. Along the way, he earned a Ph.D. in biological sciences from Northern Illinois University. In 2012, Foss relocated to Washington, D.C., to assume his current role, one he likens to an orchestra conductor. “I don’t get to play

  • Retention of Programmatic Material Description of RecordsCare of RecordsFinal Disposition The follow

  • Retention of Legal Records Description of RecordsCare of RecordsFinal Disposition Charter or article

  • can study as a PLU sociology student. A sociology degree is excellent preparation for a wide variety of occupations and graduate programs in fields related to social and public services, education, politics and government, law, nonprofit management and business administration. The hallmark of the PLU sociology program is our research-oriented cumulative curriculum, which is designed to encourage your research and writing skills step by step. If you elect to complete a public or private sector

  • me started on a lifelong passion for theatre.”   Smith joined PLU this fall after 16 years at New Mexico State University, including six as the theatre department head. He brings extensive experience in directing, improvisation, theatre management and playwriting. Smith is ready for new challenges and hopes his background can further community involvement and program growth at PLU. Coming from a large state university he’s excited for closer student interactions, smaller class sizes and the

  • accounts, identity, health records, and taxes. Software has a major impact on how we work and communicate, especially during this pandemic. Recent events have demonstrated that the use, design, and management of software systems can impact society in significant ways including life and death. Software security is increasingly important as the incidents of malware, fraud, extortion, identity theft, and cyber espionage are on the rise. “We now live in a world where AI governs access to information

  • , curricula, or classroom management methods. Category 1 applies to research utilizing normal educational processes only, such as comparing the effectiveness of a particular curriculum.Category 2: Anonymous Educational Tests, Surveys, Interviews, or ObservationsResearch involving the use of educational tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement), survey procedures, interview procedures or observation of public behavior, unless: information obtained is recorded in such a manner that human subjects

  • , curricula, or classroom management methods. Category 1 applies to research utilizing normal educational processes only, such as comparing the effectiveness of a particular curriculum.Category 2: Anonymous Educational Tests, Surveys, Interviews, or ObservationsResearch involving the use of educational tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement), survey procedures, interview procedures or observation of public behavior, unless: information obtained is recorded in such a manner that human subjects

  • other services for support in counseling, anger management, or mediation. Documenting and managing sensitive performance issues. Supervisors are directed to seek the assistance of Human Resources and/or Campus Safety during potentially high-risk situations such as employee dismissals, work restructuring, or instances in which an employee’s medical condition may be a contributing factor. Office Phone Numbers Contact For Campus Safety Emergency, dial 7911 Non-emergency, 253-535-7441 Emergency