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  • the likelihood of an extended decision-making process. An ADHP may hear from the instructor, student, and witnesses, asking questions as appropriate. Questions must be pertinent to the report and the purpose of the meeting. Witnesses may be brought forward by both the instructor and the student. An ADHP may limit witness testimony to the facts of the situation, and excuse a witness if the information shared seems unproductive, redundant, or irrelevant. An ADHP may invite as witnesses individuals

  • ProceedingsAn ADHP will review the written materials prior to the meeting and determine appropriate questions.  If a student wishes to submit additional written materials, these should be provided to the Assistant Dean of Students in advance of the hearing, if at all possible.  Students are strongly encouraged to provide such materials to better support their argument and to reduce the likelihood of an extended decision-making process. An ADHP may hear from the instructor, student, and witnesses, asking

  • , curricula, or classroom management methods. Category 1 applies to research utilizing normal educational processes only, such as comparing the effectiveness of a particular curriculum.Category 2: Anonymous Educational Tests, Surveys, Interviews, or ObservationsResearch involving the use of educational tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement), survey procedures, interview procedures or observation of public behavior, unless: information obtained is recorded in such a manner that human subjects

  • , curricula, or classroom management methods. Category 1 applies to research utilizing normal educational processes only, such as comparing the effectiveness of a particular curriculum.Category 2: Anonymous Educational Tests, Surveys, Interviews, or ObservationsResearch involving the use of educational tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement), survey procedures, interview procedures or observation of public behavior, unless: information obtained is recorded in such a manner that human subjects

  • The Department of Social Work congratulates alum Patricia Sattier (2002) for receiving NIF Fellowship! Patricia Sattier, current doctoral candidate in the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, has won National Institute of Justice Fellowship to study the influences that shape police decision-making and engagement with victims of violent crimes. More February 28, 2020

  • certain consensual sexual relationships.   The University does not and will not tolerate sexual misconduct by or against any of its students or employees.  The University will work to prevent and eliminate such behavior by providing a comprehensive education program to promote awareness of acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors. This policy is intended to meet the requirements of applicable federal and state law, including without limitation, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C

  • from the chair of the Department of Economics. Economics (ECON) - Undergraduate Courses ECON 101 : Principles of Microeconomics - ES Introduces the study of economic decision making by firms and individuals and analyzes the effect of public policies on these. Economic tools and concepts such as markets, supply and demand, efficiency, and externalities will be applied to contemporary issues such as pollution, international trade, and health care. (4) ECON 102 : Principles of Macroeconomics - ES

  • Carlos Garcia Jr, Therapist in TrainingOur identities inform how we experience the world and how the world perceives us. We are all drawn to therapy for a variety of reasons, so good on you for already making the toughest decision and that is looking for a therapist. Latinx Student Marriage Family Therapist who works with young adults, military families, military retirees and veterans, couples, families, immigrant communities, and People of the Global Majority.

  • and questions may cross over from those needing mentoring into those requiring more clinical professional assistance. Below we have identified various symptoms of distress and indicators as to when a referral to PLU Counseling Services may be necessary.  You may also refer to our online A Faculty and Staff Guide to Helping Students in Distress to assist in your decision-making and support of students exhibiting distress. SIGNS OF DISTRESS Changes in Academic Performance:Changes in Academic

  • Practitioner (ENP). Students are taught the skills of assessment, interpretation of diagnostic studies, interventions, and treatments unique to the ENP at an advanced level, thereby enhancing clinical decision making for urgent/emergent illness and injury across the lifespan. (4) (2 seminar, 2 clinical - 120 hours) GNUR 642 : ENP II: Trauma & Critical Illness Building upon prior clinical ENP experiences, this course teacher the student how to care for patients of the highest acuity levels. Topics of pre