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  • B.A. in Social Work at PLU: Admission ProceduresSocial work is an academic discipline and a practice profession. Social workers envision an economically, socially, and racially just world in which resources and opportunities are more equitably distributed. Social workers engage in critical analyses of power relations, aim to dismantle inequitable social structures, and work in solidarity with groups that experience poverty, oppression, and exploitation. Social workers assist individuals

  • Justice This project is a sociologically centered project using qualitative data to study the ways in which gay men's distribution of emotion work and distress transmission act as markers for the gender differences in romantic relationships. 9:30 am | Session I, AUC Regency - Poster Session IFaculty Moderator: Ann Auman, Biology/College of Natural Sciences Faculty Mentor: Neal Yakelis, Chemistry Student(s)Presentation Camilee M. Boland; Audrey M. Borloz; Jordan R. VanniUtilizing an azo dienophile for

  • nanocrystals using air-free techniques. The nanocrystals we make include doped and undoped materials, core/shell structures, and nanocrystals of varying shape. Students learn to characterize their samples using techniques such as UV-vis absorbance and photoluminescence spectroscopy, XRD, FTIR, NMR, ICP-MS and TEM. Read more about our research in this 2023 PLU News article. Our research group is part of the Primarily Undergraduate Nanomaterials Cooperative (PUNC) and members of our research group often

  • B.A. in Social Work at PLU: Admission ProceduresSocial work is an academic discipline and a practice profession. Social workers envision an economically, socially, and racially just world in which resources and opportunities are more equitably distributed. Social workers engage in critical analyses of power relations, aim to dismantle inequitable social structures, and work in solidarity with groups that experience poverty, oppression, and exploitation. Social workers assist individuals

  • Bible Historical Jesus Social Scientific Criticism Books Jesus, Debt, and the Lord's Prayer: First-Century Debt and Jesus' Intentions (Cascade Books 2014) : View Book The Political Aims of Jesus: Peasant Politics in Herodian Galilee (Fortress Press 2012) : View Book Jesus and the Peasants (Matrix: The Bible in Mediterranean Context) (Wipf & Stock 2008) : View Book Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Structures and Social Conflicts with co-author K. C. Hanson (Fortress Press 1998) : View Book

  • The PLU School of Nursing is committed to actively cultivating and promoting safe and respectful environments to ensure equitable opportunities for all students, faculty and staff to learn and work to optimal capacity. Learning environments, structures, systems, policies, and procedures will be based on a positive, productive culture of meaningful, collaborative relationships and attention to a safe, orderly, and respectful learning and working environments. This respect is illustrated by the

  • for the core curriculum. Objective 1.2: Students achieve the learning outcomes of their undergraduate majors and graduate degrees. Objective 1.3: Undergraduate and graduate students will engage in one or more high impact practices.   Theme Two: A Community of Care Objective 2.1: Equitable outcomes for students are achieved through the on-going examination of, and response to, the differential impacts of systems, policies, structures, and climate. Objective 2.2: Strengthen and support the safety

  • 3.2.1 Data Classification Data will be classified based on the following: Public data are the least sensitive information and are acceptable for public consumption. Internal data are moderately sensitive information. All university data are considered internal unless classified otherwise. Restricted data are highly sensitive information for which an unauthorized disclosure may result in identity theft or university liability for costs or damages under laws, government regulations or contracts

  • Persistence – Fall to fall UG daily persistence and retention rates, new and continuing students – disaggregated by student groups Academic Division   Department Dashboard – Majors, minors, graduations, persistence by college/department/program. Updated daily College of Health Professions Kinesiology DepartmentSuperCAPP – Degree audit data for course schedule planning and student advising. Watch a tutorialSchool of NursingSuperCAPP – Degree audit data for course schedule planning and student advising

  • FAQs and Helpful Tools Welcome to the resource hub of the Office of Institutional Research and Analytics (OIRA). This section is designed to support the data collection, analysis, and reporting needs of our campus community. Below, you’ll find key resources and tools to help you navigate and utilize institutional data effectively: Request Data: Submit requests for new data collection, such as surveys, or access data that has already been compiled by OIRA. We’re here to help you obtain the