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  • experiences… like going to see the USA Women’s National Team advance to win the World Cup in France and not one, but two, Brexit scares.  The pillars of Lutheran Higher Education support a broad and deep experience of learning at PLU. It has allowed me to follow my academic passions across the globe without giving up the extracurricular experiences I love. Undergraduate research is something I’ve been able to experience at PLU that really has shown me the breadth of support that makes these opportunities

  • Research Program (NSSURP), which involves working with PLU professors on research projects (and getting paid for it!). Students also have the opportunity to participate in Research Experience for Undergraduate Programs nationwide. Did you know? Every year a team of PLU students compete against 10,000 other teams in the international Mathematical Contest in Modeling. In 2023, the PLU team finished in the top 5! Did you know? Want to study away? Mathematics students have spent semesters studying (and

  • -books, you would select “Available Online.” In general, PRIMO will first show you resources that you can access through PLU. But if your research requires access to a larger collection of resources, you can select “Expand My Results” on the filters on the left side of the screen. Know that you will not have immediate access to these additional resources, but you may still be able to get them through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).TerminologyAlthough most of the terminology used in PRIMO is fairly

  • :30pm – Break 3:00pm – Handling Missing Data in Epidemiology Research: Do Different Approaches Affect How the Federal Income Poverty Ratio Predicts Tap Water Consumption? Mackenzie Mueller Missing data in epidemiology and public health research is often poorly handled, poorly analyzed, and sometimes not even reported at all. This can significantly influence the results of these studies, often causing bias towards or against certain populations. The “quick-fix” solution of using only the complete

  • :30pm – Break 3:00pm – Handling Missing Data in Epidemiology Research: Do Different Approaches Affect How the Federal Income Poverty Ratio Predicts Tap Water Consumption? Mackenzie Mueller Missing data in epidemiology and public health research is often poorly handled, poorly analyzed, and sometimes not even reported at all. This can significantly influence the results of these studies, often causing bias towards or against certain populations. The “quick-fix” solution of using only the complete

  • Parrot Trust—didn’t seem at all interested in making an appearance. With the pull of a rope, Goodall released the enclosure’s trap door, offering the birds the freedom they had been denied for three years. For the love of birds “Let’s face it; she (Goodall) attracts a crowd,” Bergman chuckles as he reviews photos from the month-long trip he and PLU English major Nevis Granum ’14 took to Africa this summer, thanks to funding from Wang Center and Kelmer Roe research grants.

  • . postdoctoral fellow for Innovation in the Humanities at Carleton College in Minnesota. Benge’s dissertation work focused on foster-care-involved youth. Through a combination of research, interviews, and theater productions, Benge’s project asked a vital question: “What are the strategies for survival that those with foster care experience create and cultivate to lead lives they deem worth living?”Benge explored this question several ways. She examined self-portraits painted by youths in the foster care

  • . “PLU makes space for the non-traditional student, so even a non-traditional student can still get the full college experience,” Lucas says. A Captivating Capstone Lucas has received high praise from PLU faculty for her capstone, “Resistance to the Roots of Colonization: Protected Crowns,” which focuses on the personal and political aspects of Black hair.  “There’s still not a lot of research on Black hair,” Lucas says, referencing the historical lack of Black representation within ideal beauty

  • lab experience? Two internship opportunities are available to PLU students interested in cancer research at Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center. How did your internship come to be at Fred Hutch? MM: I spent the summer working at Fred Hutch through a Lab position offered to PLU students funded by the John F. Gilbertson Foundation. This position at Fred Hutch is provided to two PLU students each summer. After hearing about the sponsored Fred Hutch internship, I filled out the application, interviewed

  • FAQ for Students Asking for Letters of Recommendation Checklist, before you request the letter: Keep track of the deadlines. Ideally, your letter writers should have at least one month’s notice. Keep in mind that a potential letter writer might have to decline, and you’ll want to have enough time to find an alternate. Is this the right person from whom to request a letter? Choose people who are most familiar with your studies, research interests, or work, including at least one professor in the