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  • Marquette Symphony Orchestra, the Vratza Philharmonic, and the Philharmonia Bulgarica. His long career on the podium and as a teacher has also included faculty appointments in Kansas, Louisiana, and Michigan, where he won recognition for excellence in teaching both from Michigan Technological University and the State of Michigan. He has served as music director of both the Hutchinson Symphony Orchestra in Kansas and, for fourteen years, the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra in Michigan. His early research

    Area of Emphasis/Expertise
  • Marquette Symphony Orchestra, the Vratza Philharmonic, and the Philharmonia Bulgarica. His long career on the podium and as a teacher has also included faculty appointments in Kansas, Louisiana, and Michigan, where he won recognition for excellence in teaching both from Michigan Technological University and the State of Michigan. He has served as music director of both the Hutchinson Symphony Orchestra in Kansas and, for fourteen years, the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra in Michigan. His early research

    Area of Emphasis/Expertise
  • Lagerquist Concert Hall. Both families were present for the service. A reception was held in the lobby of Mary Baker Russell Music Center, where members of the PLU community were able to greet the families. Customary resources were available to members of the campus community in need of counseling support. For more information, visit the Counseling Center’s Web site. Read Previous One person can make a difference Read Next Grant supports environmental research COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If

  • December 8, 2008 Former ASPLU VP tagged as Rising Star This November at the NASPA Awards Luncheon, Tamara Power-Drutis ’08 received the Undergraduate Rising Star Award for Region V. The award is given to a undergraduate annually based on service to others, demonstrating outstanding leadership skills, significantly contributing to their institution by planning an activity or program that benefits students, involvement in research that would benefit the student affairs profession, helping to make

  • Master of Music Degree in organ performance from the New England Conservatory in Boston where he studied with Yuko Hayashi and William Porter. He is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship from the Netherlands-America Commission for Educational Exchange. He holds the teaching and performance degrees from the Stedelijk Conservatorium in Arnhem, The Netherlands, where he studied organ with Bert Matter and harpsichord with Kees Rosenhart. He has done extensive research on the organ and harpsichord

  • Criminal Justice MajorThe criminal justice curriculum at PLU is cumulative, such that the skills developed in lower-division courses set the groundwork for the skills to be developed in upper-division classes. We advise students to select their courses with this curricular philosophy in mind. Students are required to complete 40 credit hours in the major. 40 semester hours, including: SOCI 101: Introduction to Sociology SOCI 201: Introduction to Criminal Justice SOCI 232: Research Methods SOCI

  • SOCI 232: Research Methods SOCI 330: Family or SOCI 336: Deviance SOCI 496: Sociological Theory SOCI 499: Capstone STAT 233: Introductory Statistics 4 semester hours of a 200-level SOCI course. Choose from 210 (Gender and Society), 240 (Social Problems), or 287 (ST in Sociology). 4 semester hours of a 400-level SOCI course. Choose from 410 (Social Stratification), 494 (Gender and Violence), or 495 (Internship). Plus: 8 semester hours of SOCI electives not used above. Choose from 210 (Gender and

  • email me and schedule to meet and discuss the application process with me in the next month. Best, Dr. Bogo Gerganov Director of Dual-Degree Engineering FAQS Pre-Combined Plan Curriculum Course Descriptions Curriculum Guide Application Website Read Previous Careers in Electrochemistry Read Next US Dept of Homeland Security Summer Research Opportunities LATEST POSTS Let’s Gaze At the Stars June 24, 2024 AWIS Scholarship February 26, 2024 Paid Engineering Internship with Tacoma Water

  • Kara Atkinson ’23, transfer history major and former military linguist, on her PLU experience Kara Atkinson ’23 earned an associate degree while serving as an Arabic linguist in the United States Army prior to her arrival at PLU. A history major with minors in religion and Holocaust and genocide studies , Atkinson’s passion for research, academia, and higher education… May 5, 2023 HistoryResearchServiceStudent/Faculty ResearchTransfer

  • that focuses on literature from non-Euro-American societies. Because course topics may vary considerably, course may be repeated for credit with approval of department chair. (4) ENGL 217 : Topics in Literature - IT, GE A variable-content course that focuses on literature that fosters an awareness and understanding of diversity in the United States. Courses may be repeated for credit with approval of department chair. (4) ENGL 221 : Research and Writing Strategies for writing academic research