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  • approaches: the theoretical framework of international relations and the historical development of American foreign policy. Core themes and issues may change based on events, but may include topics such as climate change, the U.N. and NATO, humanitarian initiatives, and U.S. policy in the Middle East. GLST 357 : Global Development - ES, GE This course examines the emergence of international development as an idea, its effects on the livelihoods of billions of people around the world, and seeks potentials

  • much cooler. I had such an awesome time. Madeline Rue, Matthew Helmer and I obtained ourselves a conference room on the first floor of Morken and lived our silly little lives. There is something so exciting and liberating about sleeping on a table, or singing Sweet Caroline at full volume in the hallways at 1 in the morning. We were given a prompt and told to make a plan. A theoretical in which someone takes up asteroid mining and uses the benefit to fix overall global equity. We had to calculate