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  • Navigating Human Services Organizations: Essential Information for Thriving and Surviving in Agencies (4th ed., Oxford, 2020). His recent works include, “Homeless and hospitalized: A case study of intervention to support collaborative behavior and safety” (Studies in Clinical Social Work, 2024) and “The experiences of hospital social workers who care for homeless patients: An interpretive phenomenological analysis” (Social Work in Health Care, 2022). His research interests include the care of unhoused

  • For the past 17 years, Christine Brandt has had the opportunity to serve and work for the Tacoma School District.  She is currently the principal at Jason Lee Middle School, a high poverty school, which was removed from Washington States low performing school priority list last year. Christine is a product of Tacoma schools and an alumni of Wilson High School (via Truman MS and Skyline Elementary). Christine will be opening an innovative school based on the continued research findings that

  • Center hosts on-campus “World Conversation” events which highlight the global learning of students and faculty, and brings to campus what they have learned through study away and research around the world. The first of these World Conversations took place in 2007 following PLU being nationally recognized as the first U.S. university to have students studying simultaneously on all seven continents. This occurred in January term 2006, and has subsequently been repeated in January 2008 and 2010.

  • international study.Global Scholarship and Faculty/Staff DevelopmentAs of May 2014, 100 PLU graduates have received Fulbright scholarships for post-graduate study and research abroad since 1975 in addition to several other international scholarships.Awards, Recognition and Grant SupportPLU and the Wang Center have received several awards and recognitions as well as more than $5.5 million in grant funding in support of excellence in global education.Global Education On-CampusIn addition to a wide variety of

  • Chemistry Students Win Poster Awards Chance Brock (middle top row) and Colin Peterson (bottom left row). Nice ties BTW. Recent PLU students from the Natural Sciences Division presented posters and talks at the Murdock College Research Program Conference in Vancouver, Washington. Two of the chemists won poster awards! Chance Brock (faculty… November 20, 2015

  • My First MOOC: A New Year’s Resolution Revisited By Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer In January, I enrolled in my first MOOC to learn more about this controversial form of instruction.  It was definitely valuable, both for instructional design research and as a learning experience. The course was designed around five basic elements: video… August 25, 2015 MOOCsonline learning

  • the Makah should “change their culture” springs from an assumption that cultural difference is cosmetic, a stage dressing under which lies one universal way of being in the world.  Anthropological research has taught us that, although we are universally human beings, members of the same species, there is no one universal human way of being in the world. By David R. Huelsbeck and Judith M. S. Pine Huelsbeck has worked with the Makah for 30 years on archaeology and educational projects.  Working

  • analyze the complex relationship between health and migration through the tool of digital storytelling. By uplifting migrants’ digital stories from Humanizando la Deportación it will expose the realities of migration and how it impacts the health and wellbeing of migrants. In order to thoroughly explore this topic I have applied the combination of three different theoretical frameworks: Migration Studies, Cultural Studies, and Health Studies. Using these lenses and evidence from my research, I explore

  • Past Powell-Heller Holocaust Conferences 2018 Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust EducationThe 2018 Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education, in its 11th year at Pacific Lutheran University, was dedicated to exploring the role of medical science and the Holocaust. In the last decades, historical research on Nazi Germany has focused on sites of terror- especially concentration camps and extermination camps. Despite a multitude of works exploring these places of terror, comparatively

  • )   Social Innovation Projects at PLU I had the chance to sit down with PLU’s Professor Mark Mulder recently for a conversation about social innovation and his experience in the field. Professor Mulder teaches Marketing and Consumer Behavior in the School of Business. He also has a background in Social Innovation, conducts and publishes related research, and frequently leads a program that works collaboratively with groups in Central America to build wells and teach health-related topics in the community