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  • At the Department of Psychology we are committed to providing our students with a meaningful and rigorous undergraduate education that balances science with application.

    methodology, statistics, and historical and systemic perspectives. In addition, professors offer seminar level courses in their own specialties, ranging from physiological to social issues relevant in psychology. Our psychology courses focus on the development of skills in critical thinking, theory building, research methods, statistical analysis and using psychology in human contexts. Throughout the program direct experience and interactive teaching methods are emphasized. Our goal is to prepare you to

    Ramstad Hall
  • By Michael Halvorson, Benson Chair in Business and Economic History. On Friday, December 8, 2017, three PLU students will present the results of their summer research projects in a public presentation connected to PLU’s Business and Economic History program. The presenters are Michael Diambri, Teresa…

    research and write a significant research project on Northwest business and economic history. Each original project was supported by a generous donation from the Benson Family Foundation, and also the expert guidance of faculty members Beth Kraig (History), Karen Travis (Economics), and Rebekah Mergenthal (History), who worked with the students throughout the summer. Michael Diambri’s research project is entitled “A Queer Place: Exploring Historical Case Studies of Seattle’s Queer Bars and Clubs

  • November 4, 2011 Marcus Borg, who serves as Canon Theologian at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland and Hundere Chair of Religion and Culture Emeritus in the Philosophy Department at Oregon State University, presented a lecture entitled, “Speaking Christian: Reclaiming Christian Language,” on Wednesday, November 3, at the 6th Annual David and Marilyn Knutson Lecture. (Photo by Igor Strupinskiy ’14) Jesus scholar identifies need to reclaim Christian language By Katie Scaff ’13 There’s an

  • Fr. Charles R. Gallagher, S.J., of the history department at Boston College will speak about his explorations of a heretofore unknown set of intelligence relationships involving Nazi, British, and

    the Museum’s Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (former U.S. Holocaust Research Institute) since 1993. Heberer Rice completed her undergraduate degree in Historical Studies and German Language and Literature at Southern Illinois University as the graduating class’ valedictorian. She conducted her doctoral studies at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Maryland (UMD)-College Park, where Heberer Rice earned a PhD based on her dissertation on the Hadamar killing facility and its

  • Fr. Charles R. Gallagher, S.J., of the history department at Boston College will speak about his explorations of a heretofore unknown set of intelligence relationships involving Nazi, British, and

    the leading scholars on the Nazi Euthanasia murders. She has been based at the Museum’s Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (former U.S. Holocaust Research Institute) since 1993. Heberer Rice completed her undergraduate degree in Historical Studies and German Language and Literature at Southern Illinois University as the graduating class’ valedictorian. She conducted her doctoral studies at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Maryland (UMD)-College Park, where Heberer Rice earned

  • TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 15, 2015)—As Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off across the country on Sept. 15, this year’s observation at Pacific Lutheran University takes on extra emphasis with two new campus-wide components: • the revival of a student organization representing Latino/a and Hispanic students, and…

    Jesus Gonzalez to revive the student organization formerly known as Latinos Unidos. Carrasco said they decided to change the name to Amigos Unidos to make the student-run group more inclusive for Lutes who might not identify as Latino/a. “Amigos Unidos seeks to empower the Hispanic/Latin@ student population for the purpose of providing scholarly support, cultural awareness, social enrichment and community outreach,” said Carrasco, the group’s student president. “Not only are we planning events that

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 27, 2016)- Hosted by the Pacific Lutheran University Department of Holocaust and Genocide Studies and featuring Holocaust researchers and historians from all over the country, the ninth annual Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education will explore “Women and the Holocaust” Oct. 17-19 at…

    explore “Women and the Holocaust” Oct. 17-19 at PLU.“We’re going to specifically focus on how women’s experiences, because of their gender, were different from that of men,” said conference organizer and PLU history professor Beth Griech-Polelle. “If we really want to capture the historical moment and time of the holocaust, it’s not enough to leave women out of the story.” Griech-Polelle, who serves as the Kurt Mayer chair in Holocaust studies at PLU, says that only recently did the field of Holocaust

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 21, 2016)- Senior Tyler Dobies and first-year Caitlin Johnston say spring break changed their lives. While some Pacific Lutheran University students may have gone on vacation or had fun in the sun, other Lutes – like Johnston and Dobies – were busy…

    up, and then seeing the torn-down, unkempt tombstones where they buried African-American people, that was meaningful and impactful to see. I am reminded of how much we still have to do.” Dobies said the Lutes visited Savannah, Georgia and the South Carolina cities of Charleston and Saint Helena Island, where students visited the Penn Center that was one of the first abolitionist schools for freed slaves. Other stops included museums, historical civil-rights era buildings and the two cemeteries

  • 8th WANG CENTER SYMPOSIUM Migration: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Human Mobility

    community, regional, state and global policies and powers foster or hinder migration and why? What evidence is there that climate change is impacting migration? Are there patterns in migrant resettlement? If so, what do they look like and what can we learn from them? How has increased awareness of mobility shaped academic disciplines and the arts? What examples exist—historical and contemporary—of effective, creative, and humane responses to human and non-human movement, in general, and to refugee

    Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education
    868 Wheeler St. Tacoma, WA 98447
  • Computer science drives innovation throughout the US economy, but the subject remains neglected or marginalized in K-12 education. Can more be done to improve student access to this important way of thinking? Please join Alice Steinglass of  on October 9, 2018 at Pacific Lutheran…

    that have shaped contemporary culture and society. The program encourages historical reflection, creative problem solving, and ethical leadership across campus. To prepare for this year’s Benson Lecture, PLU students are studying how early computer science instruction has influenced business and the economy in a wide range of courses, including offerings from Innovation Studies, Computer Science, Philosophy, Education, and the School of Business. For more information, contact Dr. Michael Halvorson