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  • BooknotesThe Humanities faculty at PLU are not only great teachers and able servants of the university, they are also highly-regarded researchers and authors. We are proud to feature recent single and co-authored books by faculty in the PLU Humanities division. Click on the book cover to visit publisher websites! Chord by Rick Barot The Purposes of God: Providence as Process-Historical Liberation by Michael Zbaraschuk Jesus, Debt, and the Lord's Prayer:First-Century Debt and Jesus' Intentions

  • , One Table: Jesus in Political Perspective” – Jesushistorical activity was deeply political, and his political aims were formulated within an agrarian empire. This presentation will consider the disconnection between Jesushistorical politics and the post-Easter Christian tradition, and the continuity of his political aims in connection with his table. Douglas E. Oakman has been teaching at PLU since 1988. He was ordained in 1982 and is a pastor of the ELCA. He was chair of the Religion

  • More than a century after PLU was founded by Norwegian immigrants, the university maintains its connection to the founders’ homeland through study away programs.

    ’ homeland through study away programs. Students travel more than 4,500 miles to extend their interdisciplinary knowledge in big cities and small villages alike, gaining a global perspective that’s equal parts foreign and familiar. While the sites might be new, Lutes are exposed to common values that tie PLU to Norway ― both the historical and the contemporary. A ResoLute writer and photographer traveled to Norway in the fall to get a glimpse of our roots ― våre røtter ― through the eyes of students

  • parables of Jesus Books Handbook of Women Biblical Interpreters: A Historical and Biographical Guide (co-edited with Marion Ann Taylor; Baker Academic, 2012) : View Book Taxation, Economy, and Revolt in Ancient Rome, Galilee, and Egypt (co-edited with Thomas R. Blanton IV and Jinyu Liu; Routledge, 2022) : View Book Biography Agnes Choi teaches courses in biblical studies, with a focus on the earliest generations of Christianity and Judaism during the Second Temple Period. Her teaching and research

  • 2. Freedom for expression and protection of learningFree inquiry shapes effective worldly intelligence and service in the world. Martin Luther’s free investigation of scripture led to his breakthrough and the posting of the ninety-five theses on October 31, 1517. Luther argued against the sale of indulgences (church-sanctioned spiritual favors) based upon his understanding of God’s free and unearned gifts of life, community, forgiveness, and peace as revealed in the life of Jesus of Nazareth

  • Lutheran Studies Conference Thursday, September 26, 2013Breaking rules, honoring the ordinary, opening up God: Lutheran perspectives on Jesus of Nazareth Dr. Gail Ramshaw A wandering sage and tax resister; a promoter of justice and mystical lover of the soul; the “king of kings” and liberator from kingly rule; a friend of sinners and the awesome judge of the living and the dead: it would seem that no single image can capture the meaning of Jesus of Nazareth for the 2.2 billion persons who claim

  • : Martyrdom of the Báb, Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh, Naw-Rúz, Ridvan Major figures in this tradition: Manifestations of God- see summary for a full list Place of worship: Mashriqu’l-Adhkár Brief Summary: To Bahá’ís, “God has sent to humanity a series of divine Educators—known as Manifestations of God—whose teachings have provided the basis for the advancement of civilization.” These educators are well known in other faiths; they include Muhammed, Jesus, Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Adam, and Buddha. There

  • September 18, 2013 Lutheran Studies Conference 2013 Breaking rules, honoring the ordinary, opening up God: Lutheran perspectives on Jesus of Nazareth The Lutheran Studies Conference will take place at Pacific Lutheran University on Sept. 26. All presentations – which will begin at 2 p.m. –  will take place in the Scandinavian Cultural Center at the Anderson University Center on the upper campus of PLU (Park Avenue and 122nd Street South). Online registration began on Monday, August 26, at the

  • CHOIR OF THE WEST Choir of the West Lux Aeterna (FULL) Performed by the Choir of the West | May 2015 Jesus Gomez’s inspiration for Lux Aeterna Composed and conducted by Jesus Gomez ’16

  • was also drawn to the study of religion because I love learning more about the communities and rites that make up religion, and I wholeheartedly believe that religion is an incredible tool for social change. Brooke Nelson “Alive, Awake, Alert, Enthusiastic: Understanding Emotions in Eighteenth-Century New England” Abstract: Situating first-hand accounts of believers’ religious encounters in their respective cultural-historical contexts, my paper explores 18th-century Evangelical Christians