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  • TACOMA, WASH. (October 28, 2015)-Pacific Lutheran University is on the cutting edge of the U.S. government’s financial aid process. The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrator (NASFAA) was looking to recommend changes in how students submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)…

    changes in how students submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) forms. But first, they needed schools to help them out. Kay Soltis, PLU’s Director of Financial Aid, offered up PLU’s financial aid historical information as part of the government’s research. From there, Soltis became a key player in the new government financial aid initiative, Prior-Prior Year (PPY), which will allow schools to use a family’s tax information from two years prior to establish a financial aid offer

  • Computer science drives innovation throughout the US economy, but the subject remains neglected or marginalized in K-12 education. Can more be done to improve student access to this important way of thinking? Please join Alice Steinglass of  on October 9, 2018 at Pacific Lutheran…

    that have shaped contemporary culture and society. The program encourages historical reflection, creative problem solving, and ethical leadership across campus. To prepare for this year’s Benson Lecture, PLU students are studying how early computer science instruction has influenced business and the economy in a wide range of courses, including offerings from Innovation Studies, Computer Science, Philosophy, Education, and the School of Business. For more information, contact Dr. Michael Halvorson

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 22, 2015)- Members of the Pacific Lutheran University community have the unique opportunity to learn about the AIDS epidemic through theatre. The one-man show “My Brother Kissed Mark Zuckerberg” will be performed in the Karen Hille Phillips Studio Theater at 7 p.m.…

    seems to be little historical knowledge of what exactly happened during the ‘plague years’ of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and ’90s and how this might have affected communities like PLU,” Yglesias said. “With this in mind, it was agreed that the story is not only an important one to share with campus audiences but it’s also one that helps to further contextualize the dynamic and impactful work that has become so present and institutionally supported today,” Yglesias continued. Professor of History

  • When Jordan Levy first visited Honduras in high school, he had no idea that someday he’d be serving as an expert witness on Honduras in the U.S. court system. He first visited the Central American nation to perform volunteer work, and then returned annually throughout…

    essential. His declaration on the unique vulnerabilities faced by Honduran school-age children abandoned by their families was cited nearly 50 times in the most recent lawyers’ court briefing. “I view my role as not judging the credibility of the claim,” he says, “but as putting the claim in a broader historical and political context. The lawyers know about immigration law but not Honduran society. Researchers can fill in a valuable knowledge gap.” Young men–especially those of indigenous descent–face a

  • Stephen Kitajo serves on the board for the Puyallup Valley Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League.

    of those interned at the Puyallup Assembly Center during World War II mark a dark chapter of Pierce County’s history, when the federal government seized control of the fairgrounds for the forced relocation of its citizens. Stephen Kitajo ’12 is working to verify all those names, after completing a historical journey of his own this summer. Kitajo serves on the board for the Puyallup Valley Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). His role in organizing the fair’s 75th Remembrance

  • Globally, Pacific Lutheran University alumni come face to face with the international conflicts that are defining the modern era. Some by accident, others by choice.

    that’s going to shape the world for generations to come — and it already has. “When you leave one place and go to another place, you’re bringing your memories, your experiences, your culture with you,” Charles said. “And that’s why I went to Turkey, because of the historical movement of people. “We all impact what is around us when we go to a different place. And we change ourselves.”

  • Suggested Readings for the ConferenceLutheran-Jewish Relations in the United States: A Historical and Personal Retrospect by Franklin Sherman In a Diverse Society, Why Should Lutheran College/Universities Claim their Theological Roots? by Darrell Jodock 2020 ELCA Letter of Solidarity with Jewish Partners and the Asian American Community A Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment: A policy statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Lutheran, Jewish Relations: A Model of Mutual

  • Agnes Choi Professor of New Testament Phone: 253-535-7314 Email: Office Location: Hauge Administration Building - 207-F Professional Biography Education Ph.D., University of St. Michael's College, 2010 M.Div., Tyndale Seminary, 2002 B.S., University of Toronto, 1999 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Ancient economy and the impact of the economy on the urban-rural relationship Interpretation of the parables of Jesus Books Handbook of Women Biblical Interpreters: A Historical and

  • Agnes Choi Professor of New Testament Phone: 253-535-7314 Email: Office Location: Hauge Administration Building - 207-F Professional Biography Education Ph.D., University of St. Michael's College, 2010 M.Div., Tyndale Seminary, 2002 B.S., University of Toronto, 1999 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Ancient economy and the impact of the economy on the urban-rural relationship Interpretation of the parables of Jesus Books Handbook of Women Biblical Interpreters: A Historical and

  • Bible Historical Jesus Social Scientific Criticism Books Jesus, Debt, and the Lord's Prayer: First-Century Debt and Jesus' Intentions (Cascade Books 2014) : View Book The Political Aims of Jesus: Peasant Politics in Herodian Galilee (Fortress Press 2012) : View Book Jesus and the Peasants (Matrix: The Bible in Mediterranean Context) (Wipf & Stock 2008) : View Book Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Structures and Social Conflicts with co-author K. C. Hanson (Fortress Press 1998) : View Book